Stunning Positano, Italy | Travel the Amalfi Coast
Explore Positano, Italy and the rest of the Amalfi Coast. Today we take you around Positano, a gem of Italy, famous for its picturesque cliffside residences and terraces. We take you to the Positano beach, the hills for some views, and everywhere in between. Can you do the Amalfi Coast cheap? We just did.
Umbria: Assisi, Perugia, Spoleto -
L'Umbria e le sue città d'arte: Assisi, Perugia, Spoleto, Orvieto, Gubbio, Todi, Foligno, Città di Castello, Norcia, Cascia; informazioni su città, parchi naturali, musei, ristoranti, prodotti tipici, hotel, agriturismi, centri benessere, residenze d'epoca in Umbria (Italia, Italy)
Umbria Assisi Perugia Gubbio Ceri Spello Cascata delle Marmore - A cura di Carmine Salituro
Viaggio di istruzione in Umbria della scuola media di Rende Centro e Saporito (Cs).
Cosa vedere in Umbria: i Monti Sibillini #ripartidaisibillini2
Itinerario di tre giorni alla scoperta dei Borghi dell’Acqua, nei Monti Sibillini umbri.
Un progetto #ripartidaisibillini2
NARNI (Perugia-Umbria-Italy) - TOUR COMPLETO -
Narni è un comune italiano di 19.931 abitanti della provincia di Terni in Umbria. All'interno del suo territorio cade il centro geografico d'Italia.La zona intorno a Narni era già abitata nel Paleolitico, come attestano i ritrovamenti in alcune delle grotte di cui è composto il territorio. Intorno all'inizio del primo millennio gli Osco-Umbri si stabilirono nella zona chiamando Nequinum il loro insediamento.Nel 300 a.C. la cittadella rientrò negli interessi di Roma, che la fece assediare con il console Quinto Appuleio Pansa ottenendo tuttavia risultati infruttuosi vista la sua impervia posizione. Ci volle oltre un anno per compiere l'impresa, avvenuta nel 299 a.C. grazie al tradimento di due persone locali che permisero ai Romani l'ingresso tra le mura. Divenne così colonia romana, e centro strategico lungo la via Flaminia. Per punire il sostegno dato ai Galli, e considerando Nequinum di cattivo auspicio (in latino, nequeo significa non posso, e nequitia significa inutilità.), i romani cambiarono il nome della città in latino di Narnia[4][5][6], dal nome del vicino fiume Nar, l'attuale Nera.
Ho creato questo video con l'Editor video di YouTube (
# UMBRIA Paesaggi di Settembre - Umbrian landscape - Full HD
Settembre caldo e asciutto fa maturare ogni frutto
A Settembre che è esperto non viaggia mai scoperto
Settembre, per il povero è già inverno
Se in Settembre senti tonare tini e botti puoi preparare
Di settembre e d'agosto, bevi il vin vecchio e lascia stare il mosto
Di Settembre l'uva rende e il fico pende
Da Settembre prima la bianca, che di pendere è già stanca (riferito all'uva)
Pioggia in Settembre poco acquista e nulla rende
Bentornato settembre! Anche quest'anno salutiamo spiagge, ombrelloni e creme solari e torniamo alla vita di sempre, tra uffici, zaini e banchi di scuola. L'autunno è vicino.
Si sa che settembre, per tutti gli enoappassionati, è uno dei mesi più belli dell'anno, è il tempo della vendemmia. L'uva è pronta per essere raccolta, i filari formano linee geometriche, piacevoli alla vista!
Queste immagini riguardano la zona del Lago Trasimeno, le colline di Montefalco e quelle di Torgiano, da sempre zone eccellenti di produzione di ottimi vini!
Welcome back september! This year we salute beaches, umbrellas and sunscreen and let's get back to business as usual, including offices, backpacks and school. Autumn is near.
We know that September, for all wine lovers, is one of the most beautiful months of the year, is the time of harvest. The grapes are ready to be harvested, the rows formed geometric lines, pleasing to the eye!
These pictures are from the Lake Trasimeno, the hills of Montefalco and those of Torgiano, always excellent areas for the production of great wines!
Promo Ticket to Italy
A ticket to Italy serie televisiva alla scoperta dell'Italia da svelare
produzione: Cinehollywood Milano
regia: Valerio Scheggia
autore: Stefano Paolo Giussani Agenzia Geografica
gubbio e dintorni
Gubbio con veduta dalla rocca e dintorni
Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia
Come join us for a Croatian food review as we try two main dishes with truffles in Zagreb, Croatia at Bistro Fotić restaurant. Here is what we ordered:
1) Plavac Red Wine + Complimentary Bread
2) Seasonal Garden Salad
3) Polenta with truffles
4) Risotto with truffles
5) Cake for Dessert (Sevitina Torta)
Bistro Fotić
Croatian Restaurant
Address: Gajeva ul. 25, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Hours: 8a.m.–11p.m (Monday to Saturday)
Phone: +385 1 4810 476
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Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia Travel Food Video Transcript:
Hello there. Our first restaurant meal here. Let's make it happen in Zagreb.
So you were sold by a couple of items. What were they? Everything with truffles. Everything with truffles. Polenta with truffles. Pasta with truffles. Let's go in.
It is time for lunch here in Zagreb and we found a really cool restaurant like right around the corner from our Airbnb. This place I believe is called Fotic (Bistro Fotic) but I can't be sure because I can't seem to pronounce anything correctly in Croatian. Um, but anyways today we figured we would showcase some Croatian dishes and we're specifically going to be focussing on anything and everything with truffles. So I believe Sam you got risotto. Yes. I got polenta. And yeah truffles are going to be like the main thing.
We get our red wine. We get our dry reds before the meal even comes and I believe this is the Plavac or Plavac grape and this is the most common wine we've found here in Croatia and it is really good.
We got a nice bread basket that showed up. It is still warm. This must be complimentary. It is and it looks like homemade bread.
We ordered one little salad. Trying to get some fresh veggies and greens in our system. So yeah if you just take a look here this is just it is called the seasonal salad so I guess it varies by what time of the year it is and we are very much into the fall. Yeah, so we're getting tomatoes, we have a little bit of cabbage and onion, we have it looks like some iceberg lettuce and then over here yeah it looks like arugula as well.
The food is here and it looks amazing. So like I mentioned earlier I ended up getting the polenta which is really cool. They kind of cooked it in like a circular fashion and then sliced it and in between I have like this red cabbage and also he came to the table and he brought his little truffle and he actually like sliced it onto my meal.
Time to try your main the risotto. Before I even try it I've just got to talk about the procedure of this whole thing. It was plated at the table with a saucepan and then they came and did the whole truffle grating business. Then he added parmesan cheese.
Let's try that. I'm going to make sure I get a piece of truffle. I'm going to dig down deep so I get a bit of everything here. And you got the risotto with prosciutto, pine nuts and truffles.
It is time to choose our dessert and they actually have a display case with all of the cakes back there. We're just going to share one slice because that was a lot of food and the one that has caught our attention, for both of us, is called the Sevitina Torta which has custard, chocolate, hazelnut and nutella.
Time for price point. So that came to 236 Kuna which was 30 Euros in total. And basically 15 per person and that was for two glasses of red wine, a salad to share, two mains and a dessert to share. So pretty good value and my gosh the food was excellent here. We'd highly recommend this place.
This is part of our Travel in Croatia video series showcasing Croatian food, Croatian culture and Croatian cuisine.
This is part of our Travel in Istria video series showcasing Istrian food, Istrian culture and Istrian cuisine.
This is part of our Travel in the Balkans video series showcasing Balkan food, Balkan culture and Balkan cuisine.
'Breeze' Music by Ikson:
La Fagianaia - Anghiari - Italy
Book now:
La Fagianaia hotel city: Anghiari - Country: Italy
Address: ; zip code: 52031
The small medieval hamlet of La Scheggia is an ideal place for a quiet holiday. The hamlet nestles in the hills between Umbria and Tuscany. It is close to the beautiful towns of Arezzo and Anghiari. The owner. who is a marquis.