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The Best Attractions In South Quinan

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The Best Attractions In South Quinan

  • 2. Cape Forchu Lightstation Yarmouth
    Cape Forchu is a Canadian fishing community and headland of the same name in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 4. Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens Annapolis Royal
    Annapolis Royal, formerly known as Port Royal, is a town located in the western part of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Today's Annapolis Royal evolved from the 1605 French settlement of Port Royal , renamed in honour of Queen Anne following the Siege of Port Royal in 1710 by Britain. The town was the capital of Acadia and later Nova Scotia for almost 150 years, until the founding of the City of Halifax in 1749. It was attacked by the British six times before permanently changing hands after the Siege of Port Royal in 1710. Over the next fifty years, the French and their allies made six unsuccessful military attempts to regain the capital. Including a raid during the American Revolution, Annapolis Royal faced a total of thirteen attacks, more than any other place in North America. A...
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 5. Kejimkujik National Park & National Historic Site Kejimkujik National Park
    Kejimkujik National Park is part of the Canadian National Parks system, located in the province of Nova Scotia. The park consists of two separate properties: the main park is located in the upland interior of the Nova Scotia peninsula bordering Queens and Annapolis counties; and the smaller Kejimkujik Seaside unit, located on the Atlantic coast of Queens County. The park covers 404 km2 . The inland unit is designated a National Historic Site of Canada, making Kejimkujik unique in the park system as the only national park whose virtually entire area is a National Historic Site.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 6. Upper Clements Parks Annapolis Royal
    This is an annotated list of zoos and aquariums that once existed, but are no more.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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