We're 400m Deep in a Salt Mine! Bex, Switzerland
We managed to find some great overnight stops in Switzerland! In Bex (pronounced 'Bay') we squeezed in a quick tour of a 500-year-old salt mine. (see
We move on to to the town of Saviese from where we will walk the Bisse du Torrent Savièse the following day!
Music By Joakim Karud
1X UHD - Suisse 325 (Camera on board Camera): Gryon-Bex (Vaud) (Hero7 HyperSmooth)
119252-54 Suisse / Vaud Barboleusaz, Gryon, centre grionnais, Les Posses, Fenalet-sur-Bex, Le Chêne, Saline de Bex, Bex / Map with all videos Camera on board by Christian Roux :
World's Most Beautiful Railway - The Bernina Express
Shortly after the construction of the Gotthard tunnel, Switzerland pulled off another pioneering achievement: the construction of the Thusis - St. Moritz railway line between 1899 and 1903. This opened the Upper Engadine to tourists. The Rhaetian Railway still passes over the same bridges and through the same loop tunnels. A still greater challenge was the subsequent construction of the Bernina Railway. No other railway in the world overcomes such steep gradients and winds through such steep curves without the help of a cogwheel.
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An excerpt of the film The Most Beautiful Train in the Alps
Misty Gryon
Join me in Gryon, a tiny village in the French-speaking part of the Swiss Alps that is — just as my Switzerland guidebook says — perpetually shrouded in mist (and a fine example of the Swiss charms that await the driver who ventures off the main highways).
Heading to Switzerland? You can pick up the latest edition of the Rick Steves Switzerland guidebook here: Happy travels!
Switzerland (Montreux, Lausanne, Geneva, Interlaken, Bern, Luzern, Rhine Falls, Zürich)
Sights of Montreux, Lausanne, Geneva, Interlaken, Bern, Luzern, Rhine Falls, Zurich, during a trip in Switzerland, plus Conchita Wurst in an exclusive appearance in Boyahkasha Party, Plaza Klub Zürich, April 2017.
Created by Michalis Gkinos & Spyros Papathomopoulos.
Rencontre avec Henri Pavillard - Guide aux grottes de Vallorbe
(English and German subtitles available)
You like the movie ? Visit : grottesdevallorbe.ch/
Depuis 20 ans, Henri Pavillard accompagne les visiteurs dans les méandres des grottes de Vallorbe. Amoureux des montagnes suisses, Henri a changé de décor pour plonger dans ce lieu magique. Le nouvel épisode de « Rencontres vaudoises » est consacré à ce guide atypique... de 91 ans.
« Un jour, l’ancien directeur, Robert, m’a demandé si je voulais devenir guide à Vallorbe. Moi, j’étais pas tellement décidé... J’avais l’habitude de faire de la montagne, alors quand on m’a demandé de venir ici, vraiment j’ai hésité. Je me suis finalement laissé faire et je me suis attaché à ces grottes. » Le touchant entretien avec Henri Pavillard commence par cette confession. C’est vrai, Henri a hésité avant de devenir guide des grottes de Vallorbe. Pourtant, 20 ans après, ce dynamique nonagénaire arpente toujours ce lieu magique.
Sa passion ? Le contact avec les visiteurs. Ils ont tous les âges et viennent du monde entier. Les grottes de Vallorbe sont effectivement un important lieu touristique du canton. Façonnées durant des millénaires, elles sont considérées comme les grottes les plus intéressantes d’Europe.
Henri Pavillard has been a guide in the labyrinth of the Vallorbe Caves for 20 years. This former mountain guide exchanged his beloved Swiss mountains for this magical subterranean universe. The new episode of “Encounters in Vaud” is dedicated to this atypical, 91-year-old guide.
“One day, I was asked by Robert, the former director here, if I wanted to become a guide in Vallorbe. I wasn’t so keen at first... I was used to being a mountain guide, so when I was asked to come here, I hesitated for a while. Finally, I decided in favour of the caves and have grown attached to them.” The moving interview with Henri Pavillard starts with this confession. True, Henri hesitated before becoming a guide in the Vallorbe Caves. But 20 years later, the dynamic nonagenarian still shows visitors through this magical place.
His passion? The contact with visitors. They are of all ages and come from all over the world. The Vallorbe Caves are one of the major tourist attractions of our region: shaped for thousands of years, they are considered Europe's most interesting caves.
Seit 20 Jahren begleitet Henri Pavillard die Besucher durch die gewundenen Gänge der Höhlen von Vallorbe. Der ehemalige, leidenschaftliche Schweizer Bergführer ist nach einem Tapetenwechsel in diesen magischen Ort abgetaucht. Die neue Episode von „Begegnungen im Waadtland“ ist diesem atypischen, 91 Jahre alten Fremdenführer gewidmet.
„Einst fragte mich der ehemalige Direktor, Robert, ob ich nicht Führer in den Höhlen von Vallorbe werden wollte. Diese Entscheidung fand ich recht schwierig... Ich war ja an die Berge gewöhnt, und als man mich hierher bat, habe ich lange gezögert. Schlussendlich habe ich mich dafür entschieden. Mittlerweile sind mir diese Höhlen ans Herz gewachsen.“ Das rührende Gespräch mit Henri Pavillard beginnt mit diesem Geständnis. Ja, Henri hat gezögert, bevor er sich dafür entschied, Fremdenführer in den Höhlen von Vallorbe zu werden. Dennoch führt der rüstige Neunziger immer noch Besucher durch diesen magischen Ort.
Seine Leidenschaft? Der Kontakt mit den Besuchern. Diese sind jeden Alters und kommen aus der ganzen Welt. Tatsächlich sind die Höhlen von Vallorbe eine der bedeutendsten Touristenattraktionen des Kantons. Die über tausende von Jahren geformten Höhlen gelten als die interessantesten Europas.
Ostrava Czech Republic - A Gem To Discover and Unique City To Explore | 90+ Countries With 3 Kids
Ostrava is the 3rd biggest city in the Czech Republic and the government center of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The town is located in the north-east part of the country and it is home to more than 300,000 people.
The city was founded in 1267 but in the Second World War, Ostrava was bombarded quite heavily. The after-war reconstruction created a number of beautiful and architecturally supreme buildings that were all different in style and functionality.
If you ever have a chance to visit this beautiful city you will notice that street art is nearly everywhere! We really loved this about Ostrava. In the city center there’s a large mural on a disheveled building. It’s called the Madonna “Ostravica” and it’s the largest street art piece in the Czech Republic. It was created by the famous American street artist Nils Westergard in 2016 over a weekend. He did this in order to help the new owners of a building in a dismal shape, which used to house a shopping center, but is now being transformed into a center for culture
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Switzerland : Le canton du Valais .
Avec un très grand ** MERCI ** aux photographes :
M. Olivier - William BOURQUIN et Mme . Marie - Nelly PYTHON
Switzerland From Bern to Villars the tourist that I am
Switzerland From Bern to Villars the tourist that I am
Vlog n2 en Suisse
Vlog n2 en Suisse