Vatican City | Vatican Museum + St. Peter's Basilica
Part of our 2017 Euro Trip. Spent the entire day visiting the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica. Must visits - Sistine Chapel inside the Vatican Museum and Michelangelo's Pieta inside St. Peter's Basilica.
Background Music: Natan x Athif - Stars by [FreeBackgroundMusic]
Shot using iPhone 6Plus + Zhiyun gimbal
September, 2017
ROMA 2018 Isabel & Cristian
Roma - Foros Impreriales - Colina Capitolina - Altar a la Patria, Italia - Museos Capitolinos - Vaticano- Piazza di San Pedro - Scala Santa -Foro Boario - El Panteon de Agripa - Fontana di Trevi - Piazza Navona - Circo Maximo - Teatro di Marcello -San Pietro In Vincoli- Moises ,de Migel Angel - Basilica de San Pablo ......
Meteo: SPAGNA, fiume di fango travolge ogni cosa
Un centro di bassa pressione particolarmente insidioso continua a stazionare sul Mediterraneo occidentale: piogge e temporali insistono ormai da giorni sulla Spagna, provocando gravi danni.
Particolarmente colpite le comunità di Valecia, Castellon e Malaga: a Yunquera, non distante da Malaga, nel Sud della Spagna, sono state girate le impressionanti immagini presenti in apertura di articolo. Un fiume di fango e acqua scende impetuoso dalla collina, travolgendo ogni cosa. Video: MeteOrihuela
SEPAM provides turnkey automation systems, regulation and control equipment, supervision and process equipment management. In addition to this, SEPAM is the ideal partner for companies which need support in the interaction with their ERP systems. According to the SEPAM business philosophy, customer service should not be reduced solely to the sale of a product, but should be developed and structured as a process that supports the customers in their everyday activities instead.
On the basis of a constant innovation principle, SEPAM channels a considerable amount of its engineering resources into internal activities aimed at the introduction of new technologies, at process evolution and at the use of tools suitable to improve the assistance offered to its worldwide customers.
SEPAM is based in Civate, in the province of Lecco, Northern Italy. The company structure includes technical and administrative offices on the one hand and areas for internal tests on the other hand.
I Deja Vu a NonSoloRock Festa della Birra Battaglia T. (PD)
By FergidMultimedia 2008
[italiano-english text below] I Deja Vu Live Band propongono il loro repertorio al festival Non Solo Rock festa della birra di Battaglia Terme (PD) Domenica 10 agosto 2008, presso il parco P. d'Abano ex stabilimento INPS. I loro arrangiamenti ripropongono musiche di un grande cantante italiano, Lucio Battisti, sapientemente unite a musiche di importanti gruppi internazionali quali i Police, i Coldplay, i Guns and roses, Robbie Williams, Lenny Kravitz, i Led Zeppelin, i Greenday etc.. Non solo una tribute band quindi, ma un gruppo di veri artisti musicali!
[english] The Deja Vu Live Band offer their repertoire at the festival Not Only Rock beer festival in Battaglia Terme (PD) Sunday August 10 2008, at the Park P. d'Abano former INPS. Their arrangements reproduce music by a great Italian singer Lucio Battisti, cleverly combined with music by major international groups such as Police, the Coldplay, the Guns and roses, Robbie Williams, Lenny Kravitz, the Led Zeppelin, the Greenday etc. .. Not just a tribute band then, but a group of true artists music!
Visitate il loro sito web!
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