The most beautiful places in Cantabria, Spain
List about the most beautiful places in Cantabria, Spain
In this list about the most beautiful places in Cantabria, Spain you can find:
1. Comillas
2. Potes
3. Santillana del Mar
4. Castro Urdiales
5. Reinosa
6. Liérganes
7. Laredo
8. Bárcena Mayor
9. San Vicente de la Barquera
10. Mogrovejo
11. Santoña
12. Suances
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Comillas Cantabria Spain
Visitamos Comillas Cantabria Spain, otro de los pueblos más bonitos de España ubicado en Cantabria. Pueblecito pesquero con un patrimonio cultural digno de admirar.
Comillas Cantabria es uno de esos pueblos en españa imprescindibles a visitar.
Durante el recorrido por el pueblo visitaremos diferentes plazas y disfrutaremos de su arquitectura típica de Cantabria.
Visitamos también el Cementerio de Comillas de aspecto gótico con su Angel exterminador. Este famoso cementerio declarado Bien de Interés Cultural en 1983 tiene unas vistas inmejorables al mar cantábrico.
Acabaremos el recorrido dando un paseo por el pueblo y disfrutando de uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España.
0:01 Intro Comillas Cantabria Spain
0:16 Calles de Comillas Cantabria
0:31 Cementerio de Comillas Spain
0:42 Plaza
0:48 Iglesia de San Cristobal Cantabria Spain
1:00 Más plazas y calles
1:08 Caserones típicos de Cantabria
1:15 Típicas calles
1:19 Créditos finales
Santillana del Mar
San Vicente de la Barquera
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Imágenes del precioso pueblo cántabro de Potes al que se accede por un espectacular desfiladero, conocido como el de Hermida, en los Picos de Europa.
Cantabria Natural
Un paseo fluvial inigualable en el desfiladero de la Hermida
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Cantabria España
Qué ver en Comillas, Cantabria
Toda la información para visitar Comillas la encontrarás aquí:
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Guatemala (#06): Castile San Felipe
Early in the 16th Century, trade was established between Guatemala and Spain via what was then called the Golfo Dulce. Constant attacks by pirates in the Gulf of Mexico and incursions into Guatemala through the Rio Dulce made it necessary to defend the entrance to Lake Izabal where warehouses had been set up for goods entering from or leaving for Spain. In 1595 the Governor informed King Philip II of Spain of the attacks suffered and it was decided to build a tower equipped with twelve artillery pieces and twelve soldiers. The tower was called the Sande Tower.
In 1604 after the first tower was destroyed, Captain Don Pedro de Bustamante, from whom it took its name, the Bustamante Tower, rebuilt it. It was around this time that the port at Santo Tomas de Castilla was founded. By 1640 the pirates intensified their attacks in this area. Some rather famous (or infamous) pirates were involved in the attacks on the Rio Dulce including: Diego the Mulatto, Lieutenant of Pegleg Anthony Shirly. Shirly was a pirate of aristocratic birth, called the Adventurous Gentleman, the Highwayman from Jamaica and Puerto Rico. 1651 saw Judge Lara y Mogrovejo rebuilt the fort a second time, calling it San Felipe de Lara Castle in honor of the king and himself.
By 1655 pirate attacks decreased and the fort became a prison and place of exile because of the harsh climate. Between 1660 and 1688 the fort was rebuilt three times and peace returned to the region. By 1736 three additional lookout points were completed and the fort remained in use until its function and purpose declined in the late 1800s. In the 1950s the fort, suffering severe deterioration, was restored and cannons, found upriver, were returned. Today it is a museum offering insight into piracy.
COMILLAS (Cantabria)
COMILLAS (Cantabria) es mundialmente conocida por su gran cantidad de edificios modernistas de grandes arquitectos como Gaudí o Domenech i Montaner - Visitamos sus edificios más emblemáticos como el Palacio de Sobrellano, el Capricho de Gaudí, la Universidad o el Cementerio durante esta ruta modernista por la curiosa villa cántabra.
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En el interior de Cantabria se encuentra este pueblecito no tan conocido como otros en el se pueden contemplar sus bonitas y centenarias casas.