Top 10 Places To Visit in Serbia | 10 Tourism Attractions in Serbia | Travel Serbia
Top 10 Places To Visit in Serbia | 10 Tourism Attractions in Serbia | Travel Serbia
1. nis
niš is the 0.33 best city of serbia and the administrative point of convergence of the nišava district in southern serbia. wikipedia
2. fallen heavenly attendant's town
đavolja varoš is a hard to overlook shake direction of action, organized in south serbia at the radan mountain close kuršumlija. it highlights 202 shiny guides of movement depicted as earth pyramids or towers, as neighborhood people mean them. wikipedia
3. kopaonik countrywide park
kopaonik is one of the extra mountain extents of serbia and kosovo. it is organized in the valuable little bit of serbia and the northern parts
of kosovo. wikipedia
4. prizren
prizren is an critical metropolis arranged in kosovo. it's far the definitive point of convergence of the eponymous location and district. the town has a humans of round 178,000, making it the second finest metropolis in kosovo. wikipedia
5. derdap countrywide park
the đerdap national park stretches out alongside the right financial institution of the danube river from the golubac fortification to the dam close sip, serbia. it spreads extra than 640 square kilometers and the enjoyment focus agency office is within the metropolis of donji milanovac on the danube. wikipedia
deal with: boljetin, serbia
6. studenica monastery
the studenica monastery is a twelfth century serbian orthodox non secular institution masterminded 39 kilometers southwest of kraljevo and forty.nine kilometers east of ivanjica, in primary serbia. it's far one of the greatest and wealthiest serb orthodox spiritual companies. wikipedia
deal with: 116, brezova 36343, serbia
7. zlatibor
zlatibor is a metropolis in serbia. it's miles masterminded inside the čajetina area, in the zlatibor district. the quantity of occupants in the metropolis is two,344 human beings. it's miles an unmistakable visitor inn in serbia. by avenue and rail it's miles associated with užice and nova varoš. wikipedia
8. novi sad
novi sad is a town in serbia on the banks of the danube river. on a riverside pretend stands petrovaradin fortress, a extraordinary deal of it courting to the 17th and eighteenth a few years, with a well-known clock tower and an association of sections. over the circulation is the vintage zone, stari grad, web page of the gothic revival name of mary church and neo-renaissance town hall.
9. subotica
subotica is a city and the administrative attention of the north bačka district inside the independent area of vojvodina, serbia. wikipedia
10. belgrade
belgrade is the capital of the southeast european united states of serbia. its maximum exquisite point of reference is the beogradska tvrđava, a compelling publish on the crossing point of the danube and the sava conduits. the submit is a showing of the city's key criticalness to the roman, byzantine, ottoman, serbian and austrian domain names, and it is by means of and with the aid of the website of more than one verifiable focuses and moreover kalemegdan, a big forestall.
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Time Passing By by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Uvac River Canyon, Serbia - Special Nature Reserve
Special nature reserve “Uvac”, premier category natural estate of great importance, is located on south western Serbia, on territories of municipalities Sjenica and Nova Varoš, about 250 km south of Belgrade. The Reserve is located between mountains Javor and Zlatar and covers surface of Uvac Lake and part of the River Uvac. The length of the river Uvac is about 120 km. The status of a “special nature reserve” the territory around the river Uvac received thanks to unique plant and animal species that can be encountered here. The most significant is Griffon vulture, one of the 140 species of birds that live in the wild area of the natural reserve, making the symbol of Uvac Canyon. Griffon vulture is a special kind of scavenger vulture that was faced with extinction in the territory of Serbia. It is one of the four vulture species which inhabits Europe, but the only one with habitat in Serbia. It has a long life span, about fifty years. With its weight up to 15 kilograms and wing span of about three meters it looks very powerful and represent an air attraction. His role in the food chain in the ecosystem is unique and irreplaceable. Griffon vulture eats exclusively dead animals, thus preventing the spread of infection and makes the “natural recycling”. Special Nature Reserve Uvac is the only nesting area of the goosander in Serbia, as well as the area where has been recorded the largest population of this rare species of birds in the Balkans. Beside the griffon vulture you can also see others endanger bird species, like Golden eagle and osprey, eagle owl, mountain wall creeper, and common merganser. On the gorge area are recorded total of 216 plant and 400 bird species, and its habitat in these parts have also found lynxes, and otter, as well as many species of endemic insects and bats which are listed in European red list of rare and endangered fauna species. Also, this area is important because other rare and endangered species of mammals and other fauna live here, such as wolfs, bears, wild boars, foxes, rabbits, badgers and martens. Another natural resource of the canyon reserve are clean waters, the habitat of 24 fish species, and also the place of natural fish breeding for the species such as brown trout, lake trout, brook trout, pikeperch, chub and Danube barbel. There is a large number of caves and they vary in size, from rock shelters to one of the biggest cave systems known so far in Serbia: the cave system called Ušački, 6185 m long. There are other caves worth mentioning like: Tubića cave, the cave Durulja, Baždarska cave… The Reserve also offers a great variety of activities, such as fishing, cycling, hiking and camping.
Music by zero-project
Song title: Through the looking glass
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Zlatar 2018 - Srbija u kadru
Soulfood Serbia - Zlatar cheese
This area is known for Zlatar cheese, the recipe for which is not a secret although, in fact, no one else can make it. Only here and nowhere else in the world are there such pastures and such water, which are why the milk here produces cheese of such a special quality and aroma. An additional trick is that the cows are milked by hand, maintaining hygiene without chemicals and the use of wooden vessels.
Uvac specijalni rezervat prirode
Uvac - Specijalni rezervat prirode
Predivan pogled na meandre Uvca, Beloglavi Sup, vidikovac, vožnja čamcem do Ledene pećine, i to sve na jednom mestu.. Postoji li išta lepše za nekog ko bi što bolje da upozna Srbiju?! Ali kao i što to biva u Srbiji, ne ide to baš tako lako... Od Zlatibora do Nove Varoši bilo je sve u najboljem redu. Put lep, priroda još lepša. Opuštenu atmosferu su kvarili oni, kojima je more reklo da ih neće sačekati, pa su bez ikakve potrebe dovodili sebe i druge u opasnost.. Ali to je valjda normalno u Srbiji. Od Nove Varoši ka Sjenici je druga priča. Manje saobraćaja ali delovi puta su jako podsetili na tetris tablu nego na put.. Ali svaka čast putarima, igricu su odigrali bez greške.. sve moguće nijanse sive i po koja crna, odlično uklopljeni elementi na kolovozu.. U Sjenici, gradiću u kome smo se našli prvi put, uputili su nas ka kampu na Previnama.. Kaldrma uz brdo i nije bio neki problem.. Cilj - vidikovac Molitva.. Tako blizu a tako daleko.. Ako se odlučite pešice ponesite dovoljno vode.. Tih 5 kilometara po avgustovskom vrelom suncu i nije bila dobra ideja.. Hladovine nema, pa ko voli nek izvoli... Put se ne može promašiti jer su se predhodni posetioci pobrinuli za putokaze.. Dok god vidite smeće pored staze, znajte, niste zalutali . Ova varijanta je donekle i najbolja. Uživaćete u prirodi...
Druga mogućnost - brodićem kroz meandre, poseta pećini i penjanje do vidikovca.. Rendžeri ili čuvari prirode će vas provozati svojim brodićima. Ja ih lično smatram kamperima koji spajaju lepo i korisno.. Cena 1250 dinara je u redu. 1000 za vožnju, 100 za ulaz u rezervat i 150 za ulaz u pećinu. ( Inače nam niko nije naplatio ulaz u rezervat, a ni sa Molitve nisam video nikoga ko bi mogao da naplati posetu pećini!). Uslov - ne kreće se odmah nego kad se skupe više njih. Od prilike pola sata čekanja.. Kamper odmah ponudi svoj restoran, čisto da se ubije vreme. Posle sat vremena čekanja i plaćenog računa, čujem kako isti taj kamper objašnjava drugim gostima kako je zabranjen ulaz u Ledenu pećinu i nudi im kraću vožnju za 750 dinara.. Pa jel može ili nemože? NEMOŽE, kaže, zabranili ovi iz grada ! I ovo je neka mogućnost stići do Molitve.. Treća je kolima do skoro samog vidikovca. Put ka selu Družiniće .. Znak baš umetnički iškraban tako da čovek može lako da pogreši skretanje.. Ako ga nadješ, do samog vidikovca su posle postavljeni putokazi na skretanjima tako da ne može da se promaši. Sam put je delimično loš. Prolaze ljudi sa svim kolima, može se, lepo polako.. Ako imate sreće, da vam na pojedinim mestima niko ne dodje u susret, svaka čast.. inače, želim vam puno zabave. Put je do kraja kaldrma i prašina. Pogled predivan na okolne planine.. Na kraju, livada i dve kuće.. Kraj vožnje.. Ostaje još nekih 300 metara pešice. Beloglavi supovi su šarali nebom, meandri su se sve više hvalili svojom lepotom... Napokon, cilj je ispred mene. Vidikovac Molitva, lepo odradjen plato.. Predivne li prirode .. spustih pogled pored samog vidikovca - smeće... Da u Srbiji sam, i nisam zalutao.. Bio sam na pravom putu, jer je smeće kod nas najbolji putokaz.. Na kraju, uz sećanje na sve ovo, ostaje pitanje, zar ne može da se olakša pristup ovoj lepoti, izgradnjom nekog puta, zar ne može bolje da se organizuje, zar ne znamo da cenimo ovu lepotu ili moramo da ostavimo tragove za nama?
Probudite se i uradite nešto za ovu lepotu koju imamo.. a Srbija ima sa čim da se pohvali. Samo nedostaje dobre volje..
Beautiful PALIC - Holidays in Vojvodina
Palic# Palics# Vojvodina# Serbia# Travel# Spring#
Beautiful PALIC - Holidays in Vojvodina Serbia
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Nisz - Sjenica (Serbia)
Malownicza droga przez góry z miasta Nisz do miejscowości Sjenica w Serbii.
Emisija Selo moje - Tometino Polje
Belgrade, Serbia, Big City
A quick look at the great city of Belgrade, from the balcony of a friend, also showing the Cathedral of Saint Sava.
Titlovano na engleskom
Споменик природе “Ђјавоља варош” налази се у атару села Ђаке, (27 км), југоисточно од Куршумлије. До њега се долази скретањем са пута Ниш – Приштина код Саставка, а затим узаним асвалтним путем до села Зебице (5,7 км), па добрим асвалтним путем до уласка у заштићено подручје (3 км), а затим пешице до видиковца (900 м). Овај природни споменик чине два, у свету ретка природна феномена: један, земљане фигуре као специфични облици рељефа који у простору делују врло атрактивно, и други два извора јако киселе воде са високом минерализацијим. Атрактивнос феномена допуњује природни амбијент који око земљаних фигура делује сурово, скоро мистично, а у ширем окружењу живописно и питомо. Ђавољу варош чине 202 фигуре, различитог облика и димензија, висине 2 до 15 м, ширине од 0,5 до 3 м, са каменим капама на врху. Резултат су специфичног ерозивног процеса који траје вековима, образују се, расту, мењају, скрачују, нестају и поново стварају. Овај геоморфолошки феномен је јединствен у нашој земљи и врло редак у свету. У европи има сличних појава у Алпима, А у Америци је позната “Башта богова”. Постоји више легенди о настанку Ђавоље вароши. По једној легенди фигуре представљају окамењене сватове које су по наговору ђавола хтели да венчају брата и сестру. По другој, да фигуре представљају окамењене ђаволе које су људи дуго носили на својим леђима, трпећи зло и невоље. Преночивши поред цркве Св.Петке људи се отерасише демона и они ту заувек осташе окамењени. На челу свих ђавола налази се врховни ђаво Каракоџул. Ђавпља варош је 2009. године била једини представник Србије за 7 светских чуда природе. Сваки верски, национални и политички коментар биће уклоњен. Више на сајту: