Top 10 Places To Visit in Serbia | 10 Tourism Attractions in Serbia | Travel Serbia
Top 10 Places To Visit in Serbia | 10 Tourism Attractions in Serbia | Travel Serbia
1. nis
niš is the 0.33 best city of serbia and the administrative point of convergence of the nišava district in southern serbia. wikipedia
2. fallen heavenly attendant's town
đavolja varoš is a hard to overlook shake direction of action, organized in south serbia at the radan mountain close kuršumlija. it highlights 202 shiny guides of movement depicted as earth pyramids or towers, as neighborhood people mean them. wikipedia
3. kopaonik countrywide park
kopaonik is one of the extra mountain extents of serbia and kosovo. it is organized in the valuable little bit of serbia and the northern parts
of kosovo. wikipedia
4. prizren
prizren is an critical metropolis arranged in kosovo. it's far the definitive point of convergence of the eponymous location and district. the town has a humans of round 178,000, making it the second finest metropolis in kosovo. wikipedia
5. derdap countrywide park
the đerdap national park stretches out alongside the right financial institution of the danube river from the golubac fortification to the dam close sip, serbia. it spreads extra than 640 square kilometers and the enjoyment focus agency office is within the metropolis of donji milanovac on the danube. wikipedia
deal with: boljetin, serbia
6. studenica monastery
the studenica monastery is a twelfth century serbian orthodox non secular institution masterminded 39 kilometers southwest of kraljevo and forty.nine kilometers east of ivanjica, in primary serbia. it's far one of the greatest and wealthiest serb orthodox spiritual companies. wikipedia
deal with: 116, brezova 36343, serbia
7. zlatibor
zlatibor is a metropolis in serbia. it's miles masterminded inside the čajetina area, in the zlatibor district. the quantity of occupants in the metropolis is two,344 human beings. it's miles an unmistakable visitor inn in serbia. by avenue and rail it's miles associated with užice and nova varoš. wikipedia
8. novi sad
novi sad is a town in serbia on the banks of the danube river. on a riverside pretend stands petrovaradin fortress, a extraordinary deal of it courting to the 17th and eighteenth a few years, with a well-known clock tower and an association of sections. over the circulation is the vintage zone, stari grad, web page of the gothic revival name of mary church and neo-renaissance town hall.
9. subotica
subotica is a city and the administrative attention of the north bačka district inside the independent area of vojvodina, serbia. wikipedia
10. belgrade
belgrade is the capital of the southeast european united states of serbia. its maximum exquisite point of reference is the beogradska tvrđava, a compelling publish on the crossing point of the danube and the sava conduits. the submit is a showing of the city's key criticalness to the roman, byzantine, ottoman, serbian and austrian domain names, and it is by means of and with the aid of the website of more than one verifiable focuses and moreover kalemegdan, a big forestall.
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Мајданпек, Кладово 52 - викенда у Србији | Majdanpek, Kladovo 52 - vikenda u Srbiji
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Прослављени истраживач подводног света Жак Кусто мерио је поноре Ђердапа – на месту Госпођин вир речно дно се налази на дубини од 90 метара! Ђердапска клисура није само најдубља већ је и највећа речна пробојница Старог континента. Римљани су јој дали име Гвоздена врата. Данашњи назив Ђердап има корен у староперсијској речи гирдап, која значи вртлог, вир.
Лепенски вир је најстарије урбано насеље Европе! Ту древну културу, која је пре више од 9000 година знала за геометрију, открио је археолог „срећне руке“, професор Драгослав Срејовић.
Монументалне камене скулптуре риболиких божанстава са Дунавске терасе задивиле су свет: „Родоначелник“ се сматра за први портрет у историји уметности.
Ђердап по много чему носи префикс нај: најлепши национални парк Европе, највећи природњачки и археолошки музеј у природи, најстарије геолошко наслеђе... Са видковаца Велики и Мали Штрбац пружају се најнестварнији погледи на клисуру моћне реке.
Гранични римски пут, мукотрпно пробијан кроз беспућа клисуре, потопила је брана хидроелектране. Данас о том подухвату сведочи чувена табла императора Трајана. Ту је настало и једно од ремек-дела чувеног архитекте Аполодара из Дамаска – камени мост преко Дунава, за који историчари кажу да је „хиљаду година био најдужи мост на свету“.
Најзанимљивији догађаји:
* Златна бућка Ђердапа, август, Текија
* Етно-фестивал, јул, Кладово
ТО Мајданпек,
ТО Кладово,
Proslavljeni istraživač podvodnog sveta Žak Kusto merio je ponore Đerdapa – na mestu Gospođin vir rečno dno se nalazi na dubini od 90 metara! Đerdapska klisura nije samo najdublja već je i najveća rečna probojnica Starog kontinenta. Rimljani su joj dali ime Gvozdena vrata. Današnji naziv Đerdap ima koren u staropersijskoj reči girdap, koja znači vrtlog, vir.
Lepenski vir je najstarije urbano naselje Evrope! Tu drevnu kulturu, koja je pre više od 9000 godina znala za geometriju, otkrio je arheolog „srećne ruke“, profesor Dragoslav Srejović.
Monumentalne kamene skulpture ribolikih božanstava sa Dunavske terase zadivile su svet: „Rodonačelnik“ se smatra za prvi portret u istoriji umetnosti.
Đerdap po mnogo čemu nosi prefiks naj: najlepši nacionalni park Evrope, najveći prirodnjački i arheološki muzej u prirodi, najstarije geološko nasleđe... Sa vidkovaca Veliki i Mali Štrbac pružaju se najnestvarniji pogledi na klisuru moćne reke.
Granični rimski put, mukotrpno probijan kroz bespuća klisure, potopila je brana hidroelektrane. Danas o tom poduhvatu svedoči čuvena tabla imperatora Trajana. Tu je nastalo i jedno od remek-dela čuvenog arhitekte Apolodara iz Damaska – kameni most preko Dunava, za koji istoričari kažu da je „hiljadu godina bio najduži most na svetu“.
Najzanimljiviji događaji:
* Zlatna bućka Đerdapa, avgust, Tekija
* Etno-festival, jul, Kladovo
TO Majdanpek,
TO Kladovo,
Golubac, Srbija (Serbia)
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52 викенда у Србији - 52 vikenda u Srbiji
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Romania - Iron Gates Gorge
The Iron Gate (Romanian: Portile de Fier) is a gorge on the Danube River. It forms part of the boundary between Serbia and Romania. In the broad sense it encompasses a route of 134 km; in the narrow sense it only encompasses the last barrier on this route, just beyond the Romanian city of Orsova, that contains a hydroelectric dam. The gorge lies between Romania in the north and Serbia in the south. At this point, the river separates the southern Carpathian Mountains from the northwestern foothills of the Balkan Mountains. The Romanian name, Portile de Fier, literally means Iron Gates and is indeed used to name the entire range of gorges. An alternative Romanian name for the last part of the route is Clisura Dunarii, Danube Gorge. The cliffs scale to 500 m and are the most difficult to reach here from land. The broader Donji Milanovac forms the connection with the Great and Small Kazan gorge, which have a combined length of 19 km.
Travel Serbia - Visiting the Kalemegdan Clock Tower in Belgrade
Take a tour of Kalemegdan Clock Tower in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Kalemegdan clock tower in Belgrade, Serbia invites visitors to enter the city's fortress of the same name.
The tower stands over the Stambol Gate, a magnificent stone archway that allows passage through the fortress walls.
Built in the 17th century, the clock tower has watched over Belgrade for over three hundred years.
When the entire population of Belgrade used to inhabit the fortress, the clock tower was a key landmark of the city.
The clock tower is also a part of the magnificent park contained within the Kalemegdan fortress.
Within the fortress, visitors can visit Kalemegdan's fountains and purchase Belgradian souvenirs.
Charms of Serbia
*Exciting new meeting destination in Southeast Europe
*Unique travel options for fun and adventure
*Bustling cities, scenic landscapes, glorious mountain hideaways
*Serbia among Top Ten Hot Spots in Europe (BBC Travel Guide)
*More than 1 billion EUR invested in hotels and infrastructure development
*Major economic hub in Southeastern Europe
*The largest conference facility in Southeast Europe
*Belgrade is the New Capital of Cool! (source UK Sunday Times)
and one of the least expensive major cities in Europe
*Buzzing nightlife
*Delicious cuisine
*Rich culture
*Hospitable people
*More than 250 international flights a week to Serbia
Aquastar Danube hotel - Kladovo, Serbia
Belgrade City Guide, official Android application
Official application of Tourist Organization of Belgrade.
Discover the magic of Capital of Serbia, the city of Belgrade.
Use this application to aid you in your adventure exploring Belgrade. Find out where are the best places to eat, drink, shop and have fun.
#100 - Golubac, Serbia - Đerdap Tour 4/4 (08/2013)
All good things come to end and so does the best ride of Season 2013! And what an end. A long, long slight, almost flat descent through the valley, surrounded by forest, on a magnificent terrain, with no rocks and all the space you need. With constant breathtaking scenery and virtually all alone. Choosing the riding style you prefer. Absolutely amazing. The best riding part of the entire Đerdap Tour. This one is really for the soul.
But still nothing can prepare you for the beauty of Dobra village and the Danube. You just won't believe the sight. And after a short break that you won't even notice, I'll take you along the Danube, into the sunset, for a memorable experience. Even better, the road is part of Euro Velo 6 cycling route, so the drivers are used to cyclists. Very highly recommended for a visit.
Special greeting goes to people who log and upload/share their treks so other can discover and enjoy the beauty, but also the adrenaline. We did miss a bit the original trek we were supposed to follow, but it was great to have some idea of where to go and what to expect. Sadly, I do not have the hardware needed to log my own rides, but some day...
Filmed in August 2013.
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