Serbia: The Place To Be
National Tourism Organisation of Serbia launched a new promotional campaign Serbia: The Place to Be. Campaign features the best way to spend your holiday in the cities of Serbia (Belgrade, NIš, Novi Sad) combined with the coolest summer festivals Exit, Beer Fest and Nishville. Lush nature and breathtaking landscapes are mixed with the excitement of the holiday on the move. Serbia is one of the oldest European countries dating back to the 7th century. Our rich history and culture is one of the key features of this promotional campaign. All spiced up with some enticing flavours and scents from Serbia. For more information visit:
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Belgrade Serbia Sightseeing - Tuk Tuk | 4K
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Music by:
Tobu - Colors [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library
Serbia:The Place To Be – Culture
Discover the abundance of Serbian culture in all its faces. Visit us and see for yourself why Serbia is the place to be. #SeeSerbia
For more information visit:
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EUROVELO 13 - Romania to Turkey - Episode 1, Drobeta Turnu, Romania to Pirot, Serbia
THIS EPISODE (We leave the Eurovelo 6 to join EV13!)
We leave Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania, and head over the border to Negotin in Serbia, home to our fave accommodation yet. So good that we stayed for another night and had a recovery/admin day off! From here we cycled to Zajecar via forgotten in time little villages with zero places to eat. Then we tackled the toughest cycling conditions of the entire cycle tour en route to Knjazevac, mostly off road and very hilly. Plus with a slight hangover...
From here it was a beautiful smooth ride mostly downhill to Pirot, our last night in Serbia before Bulgaria.
Drobeta Turnu Severin (Rom) - Hotel Corona €35 bb (treat night!) 8 - excellent but bad breakfast
Negotin (Serbia) - Campsite for Cyclists and Adventurers (we stayed in one of their studio rooms with kitchen) - €16 no bb -10. Simply the best. Hospitality was unreal, great value, free tennis!
Zajecar - Hotel Serbija - €23 bb - 7. Very run down rooms but great restaurant and food although too many smokers at breakfast and dinner.
Knjazevac - Hotel Timock bb - €26 bb - 7. Clean tidy quiet room, bad breakfast. Forgetful, good for a big rest which was needed...!
Pirot- apartment with kitchen €20 - 5/10 - only a hob, no other kitchen appliances ie kettle!
We're cycling from London to Istanbul via the Eurovelo 15, 6 and 13 from July until November 2018. Feel free to suscribe for updates on new videos! I hope you enjoy watching them, I certainly love making them! Even better, we would love our videos to inspire others to cycle tour. If you have cycle, route or tech questions, please leave us a message and I'll be happy to answer!
Follow us daily on Instagram too @monteandkomodo. Thanks to Libby Brown Design for the Monte and Komodo logo, we love it! Message me for her details, the best personal logo designer out there!!!
BLOG - Harriet is writing the blog, do check it out! Link is in our Instagram bio
Monte is Harriet's Dawes Karakum, and Komodo is Mat's Fuji Touring. Full kit and tech gear list in blog.
Sigur Ros
Serbia – The land of new beginnings
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Serbia seen through the eyes of the World’s famous tourist bloggers, who were the guests of the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia. This video shows the impression our country left on discerning guest
„Ever thought of visiting Serbia? You might want to consider it. Serbia was in the Lonely planet top 10 of 2015, not without a reason. We're launching NEW StoryTravelers video by Mark Hofmeyr: Serbia, land of new beginnings.“ – Caspar Daniël Diederik
“Under the glare of former headlines, Serbia is shouting about its stunningly beautiful country flanked by mountainous plains, mixed with historically preserved towns and cities. Neither disappeared during war. They were simply shrouded, ready to be unveiled when the time came for a new beginning – in a Serbia that even if somewhat still politically fragmented, is both safe and open for exploration.” - Becki Enright
Srbija viđena očima globalno najpoznatijih turističkih blogera, koji su bili gosti Turističke organizacije Srbije. Ovaj video pokazuje kakav je utisak naša zemlja ostavila na ove probirljive strane goste.
Video je nastao u saradnji TOS sa and
„Da li si ikada razmišljali da posetite Srbiju? Možda je parvo vreme da razmotrite tu mogućnost. Lonely Planet je preporučio Srbiju kao destinaciju koju morate obavezno obići, i to ne bez razloga. Predstavljamo vam novi film koji smo kreirali: Srbija, zemlja novih početaka.“ – Caspar Daniël Diederik
“Iako dugo ne baš omiljena u medijima, Srbija odiše neverovatno zadivljujućom prirodom, prošarana planinskim vencima, u savršenoj sinergiji sa gradovima bogate istorije. Tokom turbulentnih vremena kroz istoriju njene lepote nisu nestale. One su jednostavno skrivene čekale vreme za novi početak - Srbija je zemlja otvorena da je istražite.” - Becki Enright - web site - Serbian version
Novi zvanični veb sajt Turisticke organizacije Srbije.
Celokupna turisticka ponuda Srbije na jednom mestu.
Uzivajte u otkrivanju novih bogatstava Srbije.
Tunnels from Thessaloniki to Lefkada
All tunnels from Thessaloniki to Lefkada (Greece) over highway E-90 and E-951.
Driving in Serbia: Golubac to Belgrade on State Road 34
This video shares the highlights of my trip along highway 34 in Serbia from Golubac to Belgrade.
The highway runs along the Danube River and rewards motorists with incredible views of the Danube Valley landscape for more than 100 kilometers.
Unfortunately, it was raining and grey during my drive along the highway so I hope to return in the future for some better weather and to take full advantage of the amazing scenery.
Along the way there are a number of attractions and tourist sites where you can stop and explore. Of course there's the Golubac Fortress and this is one of the highlights of the journey.
There isn't much information in English online about what there is to see so keep an eye out when you're driving and pull over whenever you come across anything that looks interesting.
Driving in Serbia is relatively easy for the most part. It gets trickier in busy urban areas but in the rural parts of the country there's hardly anyone around and motorists tend to be more respectful.
I would definitely recommend going on a road trip in Serbia if you ever get the chance. It's a beautiful country that's still off the beaten path and full of amazing places and attractions!
Keep up with me online!
Travel blog:
Music by:
●B0untya & Ulchero - Energy [Bass Rebels Release]
●Song/Free Download -
●iTunes, Spotify +more -
●Clarv - Crystals [Bass Rebels Release]
●Song -
●Download/Stream -
Belgrade, Serbia travel guide 4K
Заснемане на хотели и туристически дестинации от Блумакс студио. Production of Bluemax Studio. Video filming of hotels and tourist destinations.
Belgrade, Serbia travel guide 4K
Мајданпек, Кладово 52 - викенда у Србији | Majdanpek, Kladovo 52 - vikenda u Srbiji
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Прослављени истраживач подводног света Жак Кусто мерио је поноре Ђердапа – на месту Госпођин вир речно дно се налази на дубини од 90 метара! Ђердапска клисура није само најдубља већ је и највећа речна пробојница Старог континента. Римљани су јој дали име Гвоздена врата. Данашњи назив Ђердап има корен у староперсијској речи гирдап, која значи вртлог, вир.
Лепенски вир је најстарије урбано насеље Европе! Ту древну културу, која је пре више од 9000 година знала за геометрију, открио је археолог „срећне руке“, професор Драгослав Срејовић.
Монументалне камене скулптуре риболиких божанстава са Дунавске терасе задивиле су свет: „Родоначелник“ се сматра за први портрет у историји уметности.
Ђердап по много чему носи префикс нај: најлепши национални парк Европе, највећи природњачки и археолошки музеј у природи, најстарије геолошко наслеђе... Са видковаца Велики и Мали Штрбац пружају се најнестварнији погледи на клисуру моћне реке.
Гранични римски пут, мукотрпно пробијан кроз беспућа клисуре, потопила је брана хидроелектране. Данас о том подухвату сведочи чувена табла императора Трајана. Ту је настало и једно од ремек-дела чувеног архитекте Аполодара из Дамаска – камени мост преко Дунава, за који историчари кажу да је „хиљаду година био најдужи мост на свету“.
Најзанимљивији догађаји:
* Златна бућка Ђердапа, август, Текија
* Етно-фестивал, јул, Кладово
ТО Мајданпек,
ТО Кладово,
Proslavljeni istraživač podvodnog sveta Žak Kusto merio je ponore Đerdapa – na mestu Gospođin vir rečno dno se nalazi na dubini od 90 metara! Đerdapska klisura nije samo najdublja već je i najveća rečna probojnica Starog kontinenta. Rimljani su joj dali ime Gvozdena vrata. Današnji naziv Đerdap ima koren u staropersijskoj reči girdap, koja znači vrtlog, vir.
Lepenski vir je najstarije urbano naselje Evrope! Tu drevnu kulturu, koja je pre više od 9000 godina znala za geometriju, otkrio je arheolog „srećne ruke“, profesor Dragoslav Srejović.
Monumentalne kamene skulpture ribolikih božanstava sa Dunavske terase zadivile su svet: „Rodonačelnik“ se smatra za prvi portret u istoriji umetnosti.
Đerdap po mnogo čemu nosi prefiks naj: najlepši nacionalni park Evrope, najveći prirodnjački i arheološki muzej u prirodi, najstarije geološko nasleđe... Sa vidkovaca Veliki i Mali Štrbac pružaju se najnestvarniji pogledi na klisuru moćne reke.
Granični rimski put, mukotrpno probijan kroz bespuća klisure, potopila je brana hidroelektrane. Danas o tom poduhvatu svedoči čuvena tabla imperatora Trajana. Tu je nastalo i jedno od remek-dela čuvenog arhitekte Apolodara iz Damaska – kameni most preko Dunava, za koji istoričari kažu da je „hiljadu godina bio najduži most na svetu“.
Najzanimljiviji događaji:
* Zlatna bućka Đerdapa, avgust, Tekija
* Etno-festival, jul, Kladovo
TO Majdanpek,
TO Kladovo,