Serbia Tourism - What to do in Veliko Gradiste - Silafest
Serbia Tourism - What to do in Veliko Gradiste - Silafest
I would definitely recommend entering your tourism films into the Silafest tourism and ecology film festival in Veliko Gradiste in Serbia.
Bosko Savkovic is a magnificent host who knows how to run a great festival with the help of the wonderful college of tourism here in Belgrade.
We went to see the monastery of Miloš Obilić who killed the Ottoman Sultan Murad, did a fishing tournament and also there was the awards ceremony themselves where my film, Romance and Spirit of Sicily won best tourism reportage!
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Please watch: Tower of London to Wapping - London's Best Riverside Walk
Belgrade, Serbia: 10 Things to Do that You'll Love
We loved Belgrade! Watch why we loved visiting. DISCLAIMER PLEASE NOTE: the Map in the video is NOT recognized and is ONLY meant to show where Belgrade is located. Belgrade, Serbia, is a mix of grit, decay, hipness, and luxury, and its dynamic energy is like no other European capital we've explored. Once the heart of the former Yugoslavia, the Balkans' grandest city has a fascinating history—plenty of it dark—which can be found in everything from its scenic fortress, which offers a fabulous view of the Sava and Danube Rivers, to the shocking ruins of the NATO bombings of 1999. But Belgrade is just as much a bustling metropolis for the young at heart, with its great restaurants, sleek cafes, renowned nightclubs, newly renovated waterfront, and one of the coolest museums devoted to Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla. There's plenty to see, do, eat, and drink in this Eastern European hotspot. Watch our video to see what we did in Europe's hippest capital! More details about what and where we went in Belgrade below.
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Opening Music - Lava Flow by Gummi Boy
Other Music by the Liars, Nitzer Ebb, Nine Inch Nails, and Gummi Boy.
What to do in Belgrade
What to do in Belgrade, Serbia.
Joolz Guides website ➜
Where to buy travel tickets and how to get around.
What to see including Nikola Tesla museum and Swimming at Ada Ciganja. Kala Megdan fortress, Zemun and nightlife in Belgrade. Saint Sava Orthodox church.
What to eat and where.
Cafes and bars in Dorcal and by the Sava River and the Danube..
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Serbia: The Place To Be
National Tourism Organisation of Serbia launched a new promotional campaign Serbia: The Place to Be. Campaign features the best way to spend your holiday in the cities of Serbia (Belgrade, NIš, Novi Sad) combined with the coolest summer festivals Exit, Beer Fest and Nishville. Lush nature and breathtaking landscapes are mixed with the excitement of the holiday on the move. Serbia is one of the oldest European countries dating back to the 7th century. Our rich history and culture is one of the key features of this promotional campaign. All spiced up with some enticing flavours and scents from Serbia. For more information visit:
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Golubac Fortress - Day Trip from Belgrade, Serbia
Golubac Fortress - Day Trip from Belgrade, Serbia
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David's Been Here is touring all the top sites and must-visit attractions of Serbia. In this short video, David brings us along the Danube River to the Golubac Fortress. An hour and a half drive east from the capital city of Belgrade, this 14th century castle is one of the country's most remarkable attractions. Take the beautiful day trip from Belgrade along the Danube River, passing along and even through the walls of this medieval fortification. Soak in the ancient atmosphere, stunning scenery and clear views of Romania across the river for an awesome half-day experience.
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Production by Carlos de Varona from Chromahouse.
Snapchat: @davidsbeenhere
Serbia - One journey, million impressions | Jedno putovanje, bezbroj doživljaja
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Србија - Једно путовање безброј доживљаја | Srbija - Jedno putovanje, bezbroj doživljaja
Nouveau clip promotionnel de la Serbie: Serbie - Un Séjour, Mille Impressions, Auteur Bosko Savkovic, destination aux richesses insoupçonnées à 2h de vol de Paris!
New promotional video clip about Serbia by Bosko Savkovic: Serbia - One Journey - Million impressions
Der neue Werbefilm über Serbien von Autor Boško Savković:
Serbien- Eine Reise, Million Eindrücke
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Мајданпек, Кладово 52 - викенда у Србији | Majdanpek, Kladovo 52 - vikenda u Srbiji
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Прослављени истраживач подводног света Жак Кусто мерио је поноре Ђердапа – на месту Госпођин вир речно дно се налази на дубини од 90 метара! Ђердапска клисура није само најдубља већ је и највећа речна пробојница Старог континента. Римљани су јој дали име Гвоздена врата. Данашњи назив Ђердап има корен у староперсијској речи гирдап, која значи вртлог, вир.
Лепенски вир је најстарије урбано насеље Европе! Ту древну културу, која је пре више од 9000 година знала за геометрију, открио је археолог „срећне руке“, професор Драгослав Срејовић.
Монументалне камене скулптуре риболиких божанстава са Дунавске терасе задивиле су свет: „Родоначелник“ се сматра за први портрет у историји уметности.
Ђердап по много чему носи префикс нај: најлепши национални парк Европе, највећи природњачки и археолошки музеј у природи, најстарије геолошко наслеђе... Са видковаца Велики и Мали Штрбац пружају се најнестварнији погледи на клисуру моћне реке.
Гранични римски пут, мукотрпно пробијан кроз беспућа клисуре, потопила је брана хидроелектране. Данас о том подухвату сведочи чувена табла императора Трајана. Ту је настало и једно од ремек-дела чувеног архитекте Аполодара из Дамаска – камени мост преко Дунава, за који историчари кажу да је „хиљаду година био најдужи мост на свету“.
Најзанимљивији догађаји:
* Златна бућка Ђердапа, август, Текија
* Етно-фестивал, јул, Кладово
ТО Мајданпек,
ТО Кладово,
Proslavljeni istraživač podvodnog sveta Žak Kusto merio je ponore Đerdapa – na mestu Gospođin vir rečno dno se nalazi na dubini od 90 metara! Đerdapska klisura nije samo najdublja već je i najveća rečna probojnica Starog kontinenta. Rimljani su joj dali ime Gvozdena vrata. Današnji naziv Đerdap ima koren u staropersijskoj reči girdap, koja znači vrtlog, vir.
Lepenski vir je najstarije urbano naselje Evrope! Tu drevnu kulturu, koja je pre više od 9000 godina znala za geometriju, otkrio je arheolog „srećne ruke“, profesor Dragoslav Srejović.
Monumentalne kamene skulpture ribolikih božanstava sa Dunavske terase zadivile su svet: „Rodonačelnik“ se smatra za prvi portret u istoriji umetnosti.
Đerdap po mnogo čemu nosi prefiks naj: najlepši nacionalni park Evrope, najveći prirodnjački i arheološki muzej u prirodi, najstarije geološko nasleđe... Sa vidkovaca Veliki i Mali Štrbac pružaju se najnestvarniji pogledi na klisuru moćne reke.
Granični rimski put, mukotrpno probijan kroz bespuća klisure, potopila je brana hidroelektrane. Danas o tom poduhvatu svedoči čuvena tabla imperatora Trajana. Tu je nastalo i jedno od remek-dela čuvenog arhitekte Apolodara iz Damaska – kameni most preko Dunava, za koji istoričari kažu da je „hiljadu godina bio najduži most na svetu“.
Najzanimljiviji događaji:
* Zlatna bućka Đerdapa, avgust, Tekija
* Etno-festival, jul, Kladovo
TO Majdanpek,
TO Kladovo,
Greek Tourism. An eternal journey!
Τρία βραβεία έλαβε το ελληνικό τουριστικό φιλμ «Greek Tourism. An eternal journey» σε ισάριθμα διεθνή τουριστικά φεστιβάλ, που διοργανώνονται το 2015 σε διαφορετικές πόλεις ανά τον κόσμο από τη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Φεστιβάλ Τουριστικών Ταινιών (CIFFT).
Το ελληνικό βίντεο, παραγωγής του Ελληνικού Οργανισμού Τουρισμού (ΕΟΤ) και σκηνοθεσίας του Αντώνη - Θεοχάρη Κιούκα, συμμετείχε στο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Τουριστικών και Οικολογικών ταινιών SILAFEST 2015 (30/8-5/9/2015) στο Veliko Gradište της Σερβίας, όπου βραβεύτηκε με το «Blue Danube» (Γαλάζιος Δούναβης) για το καλύτερο πολιτιστικό τουριστικό φιλμ.
Μέσα στο 2015 προηγήθηκαν άλλες δύο διακρίσεις, καθώς πήρε πρώτο βραβείο στην κατηγορία Country στο αντίστοιχο φεστιβάλ του Βερολίνου, στο πλαίσιο της διεθνούς τουριστικής έκθεσης ITB. Επίσης ήταν ο κύριος νικητής και η Ελλάδα έλαβε το 1ο βραβείο στο αντίστοιχο φεστιβάλ των ΗΠΑ «US International Film and Video Festival».
Το φιλμ του ΕΟΤ «Greek Tourism. An eternal journey», συμμετέχει καθ΄ όλη τη διάρκεια του 2015 και στους 12 διαγωνισμούς φεστιβάλ τουριστικών ταινιών, που πραγματοποιούνται σε διαφορετικές πόλεις ανά τον κόσμο από την Διεθνή Επιτροπή Φεστιβάλ Τουριστικών ταινιών.
The film ‘Greek Tourism an Eternal Journey’ has won three awards in three international tourist festivals, organized different cities around the world by the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT).
The Greek video, produced by the Greek National Tourism Organization (EOT) and director Andonis Theocharis Kioukas, was submitted to the International Festival of Tourist and Ecological Film in Veliko Gradište, Serbia, where it won the Blue Danube award for best cultural tourism film.
It also received the first prize in the Country category at the international tourism exhibition ITB in Berlin and the International Film and Video Festival in the United States.
The CIFFT, based in Vienna, Austria, was founded in 1989 and it operates under the World Tourism Organization. Film submissions are assessed individually committees at every competitive festival and sometimes by the public, depending on the terms of each event.
The film that shows the highest rating, based on the awards it received during the competitions, will be awarded the CIFFT Grand Prix, during an event that takes place in Vienna.
De Griekse promofilm “Greek Tourism. An eternal journey” werd bekroond met 3 prijzen op drie prestigieuze, internationale toeristische filmfestivals. Zij werden gehouden en gesponsord door CIFFT, het Internationaal comité voor Toeristische Film Festivals.
Oudste dromen industrie
De film geproduceerd door de Griekse Nationale Organisatie voor Toerisme (GNTO) en geregisseerd door Antonis Theocharis Kioukas, bevat beelden uit heel Griekenland en neemt de kijker mee op een reis door het land waar de oudste dromen industrie is ontstaan, het Toerisme.
De film werd onlangs bekroond met de “Blue Danube” prijs, als de beste culturele toeristische film in de SILAFEST Internationaal Festival.
In maart, de film won de 1e prijs in Berlijn, bij Das Goldene Stadttor / The Golden City Gate film wedstrijd.
In juli, de film won de 1e prijs op het US International Film & Video Festival die gehouden werd in Los Angeles.
The Danube in Serbia: 588 Impressions
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The Danube is the only of large European rivers that flows from west to east. Its source is still subject of scientific debate,
while its mouth widens year-in-year-out. Throughout its history, the river had a major role as a link and as a border, as the lifeblood of commerce...
That is why the journey along the Danube is like a visit to a museum of European history, filled with “exhibits” of natural rarities, deep layers of cultural heritage, colourful lifestyles, events, tourist offers and attractions.
Producer: Supernatural
Director and screenwriter: Srdjan Stankovic
Executive producer: Marsh creative production
Producer: Maja Marsicevic
Executive producer: Anja Jeremic
Director of photography: Vildovic Dragan
Assistants: Miroslav Moracha, Dragan Cvrkota, Velimir Lukic, Nikola Stankovic
Colorist: Goran Todoric
Editing: Bojan Kosovic
Sound designer: Vladimir Kerkez
Composer: Aleksandar Simic, Aleksandar Randjelovic
Text author: Aleksandar Simic, Srdjan Stankovic
Narator: John White, Goran Sultanovic
Underwater shots, Gornje podunavlje birds:
Szilard Kovac
Graphic design: Nenad Radojcic
Creative consultant: Goran Stankovic
Organization assitant: Nikola Stankovic
Golubac, Srbija (Serbia)
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