Serbai-Novi Pazar Part 7
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Novi Pazar is a city located in southwest Serbia, in Sandžak and Raška District. According to the 2011 census, the population of the municipal area of Novi Pazar was 92,766, while the city itself had a population of 60,638. Novi Pazar is the cultural center of Bosniaks in Serbia. Today, it is a town with a multi-cultural mix of Muslims and Orthodox Christians. Both, Muslims and Orthodox Christians made major contributions to this flowering of culture in Novi Pazar.
It is located in the valleys of the Jošanica, Raška, Deževska, and Ljudska rivers at the elevation of 496m, in southeast Raška region. The city is surrounded by Golija and Rogozna mountains, and the Pešter plateau. The total area of the municipality is 742 km². It contains over 100 settlements, mostly small and spread over hills and mountains surrounding the city. The largest surrounding village is Mur with over 3000 residents.
The medieval capital of Serbia (Raška) Ras (ca. 880-960) existed within the borders of modern Novi Pazar. The archaeological complex is situated in Postenj, 2 km north from the city. The Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul, the oldest church building in Serbia, was founded in the 4th century at the top of a hill within the medieval city (known as Arsa in Byzantine Greek). The first Serbian bishopric, the Eparchy of Ras, was founded by 871 after the Christianization of Serbs during the rule of Prince Mutimir. In 1427, the remnant of Ras (known as Trgovište) was held by Serbian despot Đurađ Branković (r. 1427-1456); one of the markets was called despotov trg. The region falls into the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1439, but is retaken by the Serbs in 1444. In the summer of 1455, the Ottomans took Trgovište, which name they translated into Turkish, calling it Eski Bazar (Old Market). It was the seat of the Ras Vilayet until its disestablishment in 1463 following the Ottoman conquest of Bosnia, then it became part of the Jeleč Vilayet.
Novi Pazar was formally founded as a city in its own right in 1461 by Ottoman general Isa-Beg Isaković, who was a born Orthodox Christians with the name Isak Hranić. He decided to establish very new town on the area of Trgovište in much better living condition between rivers Raška and Jošanica, where at first he built a mosque, a public bath, a marketplace, a hostel, and a compound. He was also the founder of other cities, among most notable is the city of Sarajevo. The first written document which mention Novi Pazar dates back to the 15th century, and describes the decision of Ragusan Council to appoint a consul in this town. That reinforces the idea that the town was already developed back then, thanks to its outstanding geographic position, as it was at the intersection of important roads leading to Dubrovnik, Niš, Sofia, Constantinople, Salonica, Sarajevo, Belgrade and Budapest. Many authors wrote about Novi Pazar and Evliya Celebi noted that it was one of the biggest towns in the Balkans in the 17th century.
The city was the capital of the Ottoman Sanjak of Novi Pazar that existed between the 15th and the 20th century as a constitutive unit of Bosnia Eyalet. Nikola Bošković (1642--1721), the father of the famous Ragusan scientist Ruđer Bošković (1711--1787), migrated to Novi Pazar, where he spent the last years of his life.
The name Novi Pazar (then Novi Bazar) entered the world encyclopedias as a synonym for the historical Sandžak region in 1878, the year when the Congress of Berlin designated the entire region as corpus separatum named Sanjak of Novi Pazar. The Sanjak of Novi Pazar was occupied and administered by Austria-Hungary from 1878 to 1908. In 1908 it was returned to the Ottoman Empire, which ruled this territory until it was recaptured by Serbia in 1912 during the First Balkan War. After World War I, the town of Novi Pazar rapidly lost its importance. Today, Novi Pazar is the main economic and cultural centre and the largest city in the south Raška region, also known as Sandžak region (followed by Bijelo Polje in Montenegro) and the second economic centre of Raška District, after Kraljevo.Wikipedia
10 Serbia - Studenica, Etno Čakmara Raška, Novi Pazar
Monaster Studenica (Манастир Студеница) – Średniowieczny klasztor prawosławny. Jeden z najstarszych zabytków tzw. szkoły raszkańskiej. Ufundowany w końcu XII wieku przez wielkiego żupana Raszki Stefana Nemanię (1166–1196). To największy i najbogatszy serbski klasztor. Na terenie otoczonym murami z konakiem znajdują się trzy cerkwie, w tym Cerkiew Królewska - miejsce wiecznego spoczynku władców z rodu Nemanjićów, z dobrze zachowanymi cennymi freskami z XIV w. W 1183 roku rozpoczęto trwającą do lat 90. budowę pierwszej cerkwi monasteru – pod wezwaniem Zaśnięcia Bogurodzicy. Była to zadužbina Stefana Nemanii, czyli cerkiew, w której po śmierci chciał być pochowany. Cerkiew została wykończona już po śmierci Stefana przez jego synów: Wukana, Stefana i Rastka, kiedy to w latach 1208–1209 wnętrze świątyni ozdobili artyści greccy. W latach 1228–1234 na polecenie króla Stefana Radosława dobudowano do jej fasady zachodniej narteks (przedsionek) w stylu gotyckiej architektury cysterskiej. Studenica stała się nekropolą Nemaniczów. Klasztor prężnie się rozwijał – na przestrzeni kolejnych stuleci wzniesiono cerkiew św. Mikołaja (ok. 1240), cerkiew św. Jana (XIII w.), cerkiew św. Anny i św. Joachima (pocz. XIV w.) oraz cerkiew królewską (1314). Zarówno cerkiew Bożej Bogurodzicy jak i cerkiew królewska zbudowane są z białego marmuru, ich wnętrza zdobią freski w stylu bizantyjskim z XIII i XIV wieku. W 1986 obiekt został wpisany na listę światowego dziedzictwa kulturowego UNESCO
Restauracja Etno-Čakmara Raška - tradycyjna restauracja Čakmara z autentycznie urządzonymi pokojami znajduje się 6 km na północ od Raska, przy głównej drodze Kraljevo-Raska-Novi Pazar, w pięknej dolinie rzeki Ibar, otoczona wspaniałymi szczytami dzikich gór Kopaonik i Golija, Cały obiekt turystyczny restauracji Čakmara z zakwaterowaniem wykonany jest z naturalnych materiałów - drewna i kamienia. Po wejściu do restauracji Čakmara, czuć nostalgię a zgromadzone przedmioty i miła obsługa świadczą o gościnności gospodarzy.
Novi Pazar (Нови Пазар) o orientalnym, tureckim charakterze. Zwiedzanie cerkwi św. Piotra z IX w., najstarszej w Serbii.
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Novi Sad | SIRBİSTAN | Balkan Turu #8
Balkan Turu maceramıza Sırbistan Novi Sad şehri ile devam ediyoruz. Novi Sad da Belgrad gibi görülmeye değer bir şehir! Novi Sad kalesine çıkıp Novi Sad şehrini ikiye bölen Tuna Nehri'ne karşı seyre dalıyoruz. İyi seyirler efendim.
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Uzbekistan/Samarkand (Subtlety of the Oriental market Siab-Siyob) Bazaar Part 22
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Siab Bazaar, Samarkand:
Visiting Samarkand and not paying a visit to Siab market means missing one of the most interesting adventures. The oriental market is a special place where you can feel a live atmosphere of the ancient city. Many years ago, bazaars served as the main strategic points on the Great Silk Road trade development. Siab Bazaar in Samarkand is one of the most interesting and ancient must see sights.
Peculiarities of the Siab Bazaar
Siab market is conveniently located, with the great mosque of Bibi-Khanim in only few minutes’ walk away. There is another landmark not far from the bazaar – Hazrat Khizir Mosque. The area of the market impresses with its 5 ha of trade rows. The main entrance is done in the form of a lofty three-fold arch adorned with blue mosaic. Trading rows are under tents that protect the bazaar from a burning sun in summer and from wind and rain in winter.Siab Bazaar is a dekhkan (agricultural) market; there you will mainly find vegetables and fruits grown in Uzbekistan, as well as local hand-made products. Trading rows are conditionally divided according to types of goods. Local sellers say that Siab dried fruits, sweets and nuts are so tasty that make residents of the capital city travel there for their portion. It is also possible to meet huge number and kinds of spices at the bazaar, even the rare ones. Apart from the edible products, you can buy pieces from local artisans and masters.
Special attention should be given to a bread row, as Samarkand bread is a special sort of local flour product. You can see more than 17 kinds of bread at the Siab market.
What is an oriental market without tasting?! there, as in any other bazaar, kind-hearted vendors will not only allow you to taste the product before purchasing, but will also insist on it. Surely, the main subtlety of the oriental bazaar is a bargaining tradition. Each buyer has a duty to trade with the seller before a purchase. The point is not about reducing the price, rather a habit that Asian dwellers have formed from the childhood. The one who shows the talent will gain in the end.
Except fresh and various goods, Siab market in Samarkand has another feature – this is the place where you can find out the latest news and events happening in the city. Uzbek people are very sociable and people get involved in conversations even with strangers.After visiting this bazaar, you will dive into the atmosphere of Samarkand festivity, mystery and will be able to understand the historical city on the Great Silk road. Along with ripen fruits and hot bread; you will take with yourself a piece of oriental atmosphere that will stay with you forever.
Нови Сад 52 - викенда у Србији | Novi Sad 52 - vikenda u Srbiji
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Најзанимљивији догађаји:
*Новосадске музичке свечаности – Номус, април
* Стеријино позорје, мај - јун, Српско народно позориште
* Музички фестивал EXIT, јул, Петроварадинска тврђава
* Cinema city– Међународни филмски фестивал, август–септембар
*Интернационални фестивал уличних свирача – ИФУС, септембар
* Футошка купусијада, новембар, Футог
ТО града Новог Сада,
Najzanimljiviji događaji:
*Novosadske muzičke svečanosti – Nomus, april
* Sterijino pozorje, maj - jun, Srpsko narodno pozorište
* Muzički festival EXIT, jul, Petrovaradinska tvrđava
* Cinema city– Međunarodni filmski festival, avgust–septembar
*Internacionalni festival uličnih svirača – IFUS, septembar
* Futoška kupusijada, novembar, Futog
TO grada Novog Sada,
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