Justiniana Prima - Leskovac, Serbia
Justiniana Prima - Leskovac, Serbia
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David’s Been Here continues its tour of ancient sites in Serbia at Justiniana Prima, or “Empress’ Town” in the town of Leskovac. Considered a great day trip option from the city of Nis, Leskovac is just a two-hour drive south.
David gets together with the only English-speaking guide he could find (Nebojsa “Nebo”) to see the Byzantine ruins of Justiniana Prima located about 29 km west of Leskovac nestled among lush scenery. Justiniana Prima was an early Christian city founded by Emperor Justinian I. It served as the seat of the Archbishop from 535 to 615. The site contains what is left of an enormous basilica, the acropolis, lower town, and upper town. Walking around Justiniana Prima will reveal city walls, gates, churches, and large bath complex with hypocaust system (heated floors). Justiniana Prima served as the administrative and spiritual center of Illyricum, a Roman province that encompassed the central Balkan Peninsula.
David shows us portions of unearthed mosaics and the remains of the public bath complex, which was heated by an innovative method known as the hypocaust system in which the heat from an oven was used to heat the floors from underneath, sort of like ancient sub-floor heating. Justiniana Prima is a beautiful site that badly needs to be maintained. While the Serbian government sorts that out, you will need a guide to show you around the different areas so you know what you’re looking at. Feel free to contact Mr. Nebojsa Dimitrizevic directly at andonikle@yahoo.com
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Production by Carlos de Varona from Chromahouse.
Snapchat: @davidsbeenhere
Visiting Rostiljijada Grill Festival in Leskovac, Serbia 2015 / ЛЕСКОВАЦ, РОЩИЛИАДА 2015
The national grill fest in Serbia edition 2015 :) The best grill in the country on one place! This fest is every year on the main street of Leskovac, city in the south-east part of Serbia, former republic of Yugoslavia (FYROM). You can get the best huge meat balls - pljeskavica, or just grilled pork and orkestra of gipsy music in the same time.
Real fun, experiencing the balkan spirit.
Cannot get wrong with visiting this Skara (grill) Fest, always fresh food, amazing local bread called lepinja (huge puff bread, with unique technology or preparing which you can find only in Macedonia or Serbia).
Usually the classic pljeskavica sandwich contains:
1. Freshly grilled beef patty made from local meat (called pljeskavica.
2. Fresh vegetables - usually onions, tomatoes, pickles
3. Ljutenica - tomato sauce with eggplans, typical for the countries from the Balkans.
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Golubac Fortress - Day Trip from Belgrade, Serbia
Golubac Fortress - Day Trip from Belgrade, Serbia
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David's Been Here is touring all the top sites and must-visit attractions of Serbia. In this short video, David brings us along the Danube River to the Golubac Fortress. An hour and a half drive east from the capital city of Belgrade, this 14th century castle is one of the country's most remarkable attractions. Take the beautiful day trip from Belgrade along the Danube River, passing along and even through the walls of this medieval fortification. Soak in the ancient atmosphere, stunning scenery and clear views of Romania across the river for an awesome half-day experience.
↠ Business: david@godandbeauty.com
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Production by Carlos de Varona from Chromahouse.
Snapchat: @davidsbeenhere
Užice! San Francisco of Serbia?
Hello guys! Welcome to my Uzice travel video vlog (Zlatibor district/Western Serbia). I hope this Uzice travel video can help guide your travel. Užice is close to Zlatibor, which I haven't been to yet, but for those of you searching for Zlatibor travel videos and guides, I definitely think you should stop by Uzice if you have time.
Get $25-$40 off your first Airbnb stay!:
Užice travel guide on my blog:
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And the last thing I want to say is... because everyone asks me: there is no problem being black in Serbia. I have experienced ZERO racism in Serbia. The Balkans is the most friendly place I have ever traveled to and a traveler being black in Serbia is not an issue AT ALL.
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Мајданпек, Кладово 52 - викенда у Србији | Majdanpek, Kladovo 52 - vikenda u Srbiji
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Прослављени истраживач подводног света Жак Кусто мерио је поноре Ђердапа – на месту Госпођин вир речно дно се налази на дубини од 90 метара! Ђердапска клисура није само најдубља већ је и највећа речна пробојница Старог континента. Римљани су јој дали име Гвоздена врата. Данашњи назив Ђердап има корен у староперсијској речи гирдап, која значи вртлог, вир.
Лепенски вир је најстарије урбано насеље Европе! Ту древну културу, која је пре више од 9000 година знала за геометрију, открио је археолог „срећне руке“, професор Драгослав Срејовић.
Монументалне камене скулптуре риболиких божанстава са Дунавске терасе задивиле су свет: „Родоначелник“ се сматра за први портрет у историји уметности.
Ђердап по много чему носи префикс нај: најлепши национални парк Европе, највећи природњачки и археолошки музеј у природи, најстарије геолошко наслеђе... Са видковаца Велики и Мали Штрбац пружају се најнестварнији погледи на клисуру моћне реке.
Гранични римски пут, мукотрпно пробијан кроз беспућа клисуре, потопила је брана хидроелектране. Данас о том подухвату сведочи чувена табла императора Трајана. Ту је настало и једно од ремек-дела чувеног архитекте Аполодара из Дамаска – камени мост преко Дунава, за који историчари кажу да је „хиљаду година био најдужи мост на свету“.
Најзанимљивији догађаји:
* Златна бућка Ђердапа, август, Текија
* Етно-фестивал, јул, Кладово
ТО Мајданпек, toom.rs
ТО Кладово, tookladovo.rs
Proslavljeni istraživač podvodnog sveta Žak Kusto merio je ponore Đerdapa – na mestu Gospođin vir rečno dno se nalazi na dubini od 90 metara! Đerdapska klisura nije samo najdublja već je i najveća rečna probojnica Starog kontinenta. Rimljani su joj dali ime Gvozdena vrata. Današnji naziv Đerdap ima koren u staropersijskoj reči girdap, koja znači vrtlog, vir.
Lepenski vir je najstarije urbano naselje Evrope! Tu drevnu kulturu, koja je pre više od 9000 godina znala za geometriju, otkrio je arheolog „srećne ruke“, profesor Dragoslav Srejović.
Monumentalne kamene skulpture ribolikih božanstava sa Dunavske terase zadivile su svet: „Rodonačelnik“ se smatra za prvi portret u istoriji umetnosti.
Đerdap po mnogo čemu nosi prefiks naj: najlepši nacionalni park Evrope, najveći prirodnjački i arheološki muzej u prirodi, najstarije geološko nasleđe... Sa vidkovaca Veliki i Mali Štrbac pružaju se najnestvarniji pogledi na klisuru moćne reke.
Granični rimski put, mukotrpno probijan kroz bespuća klisure, potopila je brana hidroelektrane. Danas o tom poduhvatu svedoči čuvena tabla imperatora Trajana. Tu je nastalo i jedno od remek-dela čuvenog arhitekte Apolodara iz Damaska – kameni most preko Dunava, za koji istoričari kažu da je „hiljadu godina bio najduži most na svetu“.
Najzanimljiviji događaji:
* Zlatna bućka Đerdapa, avgust, Tekija
* Etno-festival, jul, Kladovo
TO Majdanpek, toom.rs
TO Kladovo, tookladovo.rs
Roman Ruins of Serbia
Roman Ruins of Serbia
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Come with us as we take you to see four of the best Roman Ruins in Serbia. Serbia was under Roman rule for about 600 years, from the 1st century BC until the Slavs invaded in the 6th century. Serbia was the birth place of 17 Roman Emperors, including Constantine the Great who was the first Christian Emperor of the Roman Empire.
The first stop is ancient Sirmium in the modern day Serbian town of Sremska Mitrovica. Sirmium is a fascinating Roman imperial complex that dates back to the 1st century AD. We visit the archaeological museum for a tour of Roman artifacts: tombstones, sarcophagus, sculptures, columns, and coins.
Then we visited the 5th century Christian Basilica dedicated to St. Demetrius. Sirmium actually had one of the highest concentrations of Christian Basilicas, especially since Christianity was rapidly growing through the region in the first half of the 4th century. The first Christian Emperor Constantine spent more time during his reign in Sirmium than in any other city in the Balkans.
And lastly we visit the Imperial complex, which is preserved within a building in the center of town for all to see. What we see today are some of the original mosaics, bath system, and palace walls. Sirmium is an easy daytrip from Belgrade, it’s just a one-hour drive east on the road to Croatia.
Next up we head east of Belgrade to the Roman military base of Viminacium. It’s a fascinating archaeological park situated where the River Mlava empties into the Danube. Lubomir, an archaeologist who has worked to uncover several of the sites here takes us for a tour.
This ancient Roman military fort served at the base for the Seventh Legion Claudia in the fourth century, but it was in use well before that time since the 1st century. We walk around one of the covered excavation sites to see the ruins of ancient roads, public bath system, tiles, and human remains in the necropolis.
Viminacium is a great day trip from Belgrade especially for history lovers. The site also features a reconstructed amphitheater and beautiful visitors center, modeled after an ancient Roman villa rustica. There is also a hotel and restaurant onsite.
We now head southeast to Felix Romuliana in the town of Gamzigrad, Serbia. We take a quick tour of and visit some of the highlights of this amazing archaeological park and UNESCO World Heritage Site. He built it to commemorate his retirement from the throne and named it after his mother Romula. It is a sprawling compound spread across 10 acres.
The columns of the Imperial Palace are not completely original, but they were erected to give visitors an idea about how the atrium once looked. It holds an impressive collection of mosaics, statues including a bust of Emperor Galerius, Roman coins, and aerial photography of the site.
Lastly, we drive south close to the border of Kosovo to visit Justiniana Prima, or Empress’ Town near the town of Leskovac. Our guide Nebojsa takes us for a tour of the Byzantine ruins of Justiniana Prima.
Justiniana Prima was an early Christian city founded by Emperor Justinian I. It served as the seat of the Archbishop from 535 to 615. The site contains what is left of an enormous basilica, the acropolis, lower town, and upper town. Justiniana Prima served as the administrative and spiritual center of Illyricum, a Roman province that encompassed the central Balkan Peninsula.
We see portions of unearthed mosaics and the remains of the public bath complex, which was heated by an innovative method known as the hypocaust system in which the heat from an oven was used to heat the floors from underneath, sort of like ancient sub-floor heating. Justiniana Prima is a beautiful site that badly needs to be maintained. While the Serbian government sorts that out, you will need a guide to show you around the different areas so you know what you’re looking at.
Thanks for watching the Roman Ruins of Serbia! Please subscribe and give us a thumbs up! Have you visited any of these or others in Serbia? Leave us a comment below!
↠ Business: david@godandbeauty.com
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Snapchat: @davidsbeenhere
Нови Сад 52 - викенда у Србији | Novi Sad 52 - vikenda u Srbiji
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Најзанимљивији догађаји:
*Новосадске музичке свечаности – Номус, април
* Стеријино позорје, мај - јун, Српско народно позориште
* Музички фестивал EXIT, јул, Петроварадинска тврђава
* Cinema city– Међународни филмски фестивал, август–септембар
*Интернационални фестивал уличних свирача – ИФУС, септембар
* Футошка купусијада, новембар, Футог
ТО града Новог Сада, novisad.travel
Najzanimljiviji događaji:
*Novosadske muzičke svečanosti – Nomus, april
* Sterijino pozorje, maj - jun, Srpsko narodno pozorište
* Muzički festival EXIT, jul, Petrovaradinska tvrđava
* Cinema city– Međunarodni filmski festival, avgust–septembar
*Internacionalni festival uličnih svirača – IFUS, septembar
* Futoška kupusijada, novembar, Futog
TO grada Novog Sada, novisad.travel
52 викенда у Србији - 52 vikenda u Srbiji
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Niš - Serbia 2018
Država § Srbija
Okrug § Nišavski okrug
Stara imena § lat. Naissus / grč. Ναϊσσός / tur. Niş
Stanovništvo § 260.237 (2011) (Grad Niš)
Aglomeracija § 373.404 (2011)
Gustina stanovništva § 2224 st./km²
Nadmorska visina § 195 (centar) m
Površina § 597 km²
Suva Planina Trem 1810m - Hiking Balkans
Suva planina (meaning dry mountain) is one of most spectacular places for trekking and hiking tours in Serbia.
Trem ( meaning - sort of a roof) is the highest peak and this name is taken from its shape (breath-taking cliff over walley)
You can get here by car from Belgrade in a 2.5 hours. Follow the highway signs to Nis, and from Nis head to Niska banja (only few kilomteres from Nis's suburbs). When you get to Niska banja ask anyone for road to Bojanine vode resort. That road curves across small villages, and it is in a very bad condition on some parts.
Unfortunately Suva planina faces lack of hotels, even any sort of accomodation although is located near big town like Nis. You can search for resorts in Niska banja spa. Private accomodation is pretty cheap and you can book a room for 7-10 euros.
Several hiking trails start from Bojanine vode(Waters of Bojana) not only to Trem peak. Except mountain home and a few parking spots there is nothing more here.
Height difference between Bojanine vode and Trem is around 900m. All hiking trails are well marked and estimated time to Trem is 3 hours.
If you travel to Serbia, here you can have several hiking and walking adventures. Clean air, beautifull see sights are some of reasons for your vacation in Serbia.
For any informations and directions do not hestitate to ask me:)