4. Pointe du RazPlogoff The Pointe du Raz is a promontory that extends into the Atlantic from western Brittany, in France. The local Breton name is Beg ar Raz. It is the western point of the commune of Plogoff, Finistère. It is named after the Raz de Sein, the dangerous stretch of water between it and the island of Sein . It is a dramatic place of crashing waves and strong winds. The word raz was borrowed from Norman by the Bretons and shares the same etymology as the English word race, strong current of water; both are from Old Norse rás. It also marks the western end of the 3,200 km E5 European long distance path to Verona in Italy. The La Vieille lighthouse can be clearly seen from the headland. Although it is not quite the westernmost extent of France—that would be Pointe de Corsen, just to the north—it... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Ile de BatzRoscoff The Île de Batz is an island off Roscoff in Brittany, France. Administratively, it is a commune in the Finistère department of Brittany in north-western France. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. Ville CloseConcarneau The Walled town of Concarneau is a walled town built in the 15th and 16th century in Concarneau. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Web reportage - Carnaval Châlons-en-Champagne 2018
Le 24 mars a eu lieu le Carnanval de la Mer à Châlons-en-Champagne.
De nombreuses associations ont participé à l'organisation de cette événement : - Les Jasées - Les Amis de la Nature - Amicale Croix Jean Robert - Musiques sur la Ville assure la sonorisation au moment du jugement du bonhomme carnaval - L’ACCP - L’APEL Cathédrale - L’Harmonie Municipale - Centre Social et Culturel Emile Schmit - Centre Social et Culturel du Verbeau - Centre social et Culturel de la Vallée Saint-Pierre - Centre social et Culturel de la Rive Gauche - La Bibliothèque Pompidou - Association Pacific Océanie - La Pédale Châlonnaise - Les Scouts Musulmans de France - Association des Villes de France - Communauté portugaise - Association de musique et danse africaine Gnou Dem - L’association Inser'Toi - Seconde Mi-Temps - Le Foyer Charcot - Unicité - La crèche Pom'Cannelle - Association Kabelka - Les Scouts et Guides de France - L’Association Franco-Arménienne Graines de Grenade - L’Association 1Dpandanse - Le Hockey Club Châlonnais - Le Secours Catholique