Austria - Lilienfeld Hotel Lolita
I've been in Austria and loved it so much that I had to go back on my Honeymoon with my husband and show him all the places I had visited. We visited Hotel Lolita in Lilienfeld where I had stayed years ago ... so many good memories. I love this country. People are so friendly and nice. Neighborhood is so pretty and breathtaking! So many good memories!
Ausztria Rejtett Kincsei
Bécs és a Wachau vidéke. Lilienfeld, Mayerling, Baden...
3 nap / 2 éjszaka
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Austria: Two Churches in Krems
The music in the background in the second church was not added after-the-fact. Someone was practicing on the organ.
A Cistercian Abbey Near Paris, France
copyright 2012 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
This place was founded by Queen Blanche of Castille in the early 13th c. When religion was outlawed during the first French Revolution, it was a military hospital. In the early 20th century, it was an orphanage, I think, and now, it is a registered historical monument and art activities take place here.
It is in Saint-Ouen L'Aumône and you can get here from Paris by train, bus or automobile. There are many Cistercian abbeys in the Ile-de-France (greater Paris) region.
This place is called Abbeye de Maubuisson. There is a main building and a huge barn structure. You might not consider it a barn if you saw it, but that is what grange means.
As a private guide, I can suggest many places right outside Paris you can easily visit on your own. When you get outside the city, you get a greater appreciation for the beauty of this part of the world, and it's quite peaceful.
Stunning HDR Baroque Interior of Austria Cathedrals
HDR quality of the interiors of some of the famous Cathedral in Austria.
They are:
St. Stephen Cathedral, Vienna
St. Peter Church, Vienna
Melk Abbey, Melk
Salzburg Cathedral, Salzburg
Mostviertel - regiunea tentatiilor
Regiunea Mostviertel se află în Austria Inferioară, la aproximativ 120 km în vestul Vienei. Mostviertel este un refugiu înfloritor al deliciilor, între Dunare şi muntele Ötscher. Contrastul încântător între zona lină şi fertilă din partea nordică şi lumea alpină sălbatică din sud, te atrage la diferite excursii de descoperire, aventuri montane şi vacanţe familiale distractive.
În partea de sud a Dunării regiunea este caracterizată prin dealuri line. Aici este ţinutul Baronilor Mustului, a producătorilor de vin şi schnaps şi a fermierilor. Aici sunt cultivate perele, din care producătorii obţin mustul de pere.
Dar Mostviertel are si o zona salbatica cu stânci bizare, chei adânci, ape înspumate şi trei parcuri naturale -- lumea alpină din jurul munţilor Ötscher, Hochkar, Dürrenstein, Gippel şi Göller. Vara, munţii de aproape 2000 m, sunt îndrăgiţi de drumeţi şi de iubitorii naturii. Aici a fost tărâmul fierarilor. Astăzi, muzeele şi traseele tematice din Parcul Cultural Eisenstrasse (Drumul Fierului) spun poveşti despre acele vremuri.
Water System, Cistercian Abbey (France)
copyright 2012 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
There are many Cistercian abbeys around Paris, France. The availability of water was key to their design, and the systems of getting clean water in and dirty water out are very interesting. This is L'Abbeye de Maubuisson in Saint-Ouen L'Aumône, about 27 km from central Paris and accessible by trains, buses and of course, automobiles. This abbey was founded in the very early 13th century by Queen Blanche of Castille and was a busy place for a couple of hundred years at least, with 120 people living here at times. There are permanent and temporary art installations here, a public free toilet, lovely parks, wetlands, a staff who are present (no charge for admission) to explain some things to you in French and sell you some educational materials (and stuff such as postcards) if you want them, and there is a big central abbey building and a huge barn.
The architecture is very pretty here and I have clips up of this place on this channel, my other channel CUTECATFAITH, and on Dailymotion under LisaFalour. I have a private video you can see upon request of an art installation inside the main building -- it is very, very pretty but the staff asked me to make it a private clip only because the artist has copyright which should be respected.
Abbeys were not places for the general public and were for clergy and aristocrats. There was an order of Saint-Benôit here, with origins in the 6th century, which is interesting both if you like Gallo-Roman things and also if you are interested in codifications done during the Medieval period. Laws, codes and records were organized. Literacy was so rare, in some places here in France, anyone who could read or write was automatically called a saint! That is why you will see so many villages and hamlets with saint references and no one can attribute much detail about them, nor have they been canonized.
I am available as a private guide and this is a good example of a very, very pretty place to visit just outside the Paris city limits. Paris has notoriously foul air because it is in a basin, yet all around it are beautiful farms and parks and charming castles and other great things to see. Many are free of charge and also accessible via public transportation. By getting out of the city for at least a few hours, you can really get a feel for the beauty of this place and, of course, it's very peaceful and relaxing.
The telephone number for this abbey is +33(0)1 34 64 36 10.
Usually a residence for high-born girls, this was also a residence for aristocrats and a royal necropole. It did eventually fall into disuse and by the time of the first French revolution, when religion was outlawed, this was converted to a military hospital in 1793. As recently as 1928, this was made a residence for children, and some decades later it became a historic monument of France.