10 Ultimate Safety Tips for Brazilian Carnival
Carnaval is one of the most unique, vibrant, colorful, celebrations in the world. It brings millions of people together to celebrate Brazils famous week long holiday. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and enjoy the party. Video 112
1.Enjoy the smaller blocos Tonight I am at a Bloco party with my friends in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Blocos are block parties that cover city streets. Basically a live concert on wheels. There are many famous blocos but the crowds are gigantic and can be chaotic. So my first tip is try smaller blocos. You can find them all over the city. They are fun and keep the authenticity of the real street party alive.
2.Dress comfortably and wear tennis shoes. Whether you are walking or dancing though the streets, comfort is important. You can add head decorations, masks, necklaces or face paint which can be purchased on any street corner.
3. Stay hydrated. The heat and constant dancing can make you dehydrated or even sick. I highly recommend drinking coconut water. Agua de Coco: Deliciously refreshing and replenishing with lots of electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. It’s also inexpensive and available on every street corner.
4.Eat fresh. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be everywhere but don’t make them your only food. You are in a tropical country, with tons of fruits, vegetables and juices. Make the most of them and get lots of vitamins. I recommend açaí (Ah-sai-ee) it’s a great energizing food on a hot day.
5. Wear sunscreen. This is a no brainer but if you are out during the day, the sun is intense, for real! Don’t get burned, wear sunscreen.
6. Earplugs. Stick a pair in your pocket. If the event gets too loud, or you get stuck standing next to the speakers, stick ’em in your ears.
7. This is another simple but important tip. Wash your hands. Bacterial infections spread fast in large crowds causing stomach aches, skin, ear and eye infections and many more.
8. Take a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Where there are crowds, there are germs — billions of them — on every surface. Use it after porta-potty visits, before eating, and anytime you feel contaminated by the microbes of the masses.
9. Wear a travel pouch that you can tuck into your shorts. Only bring the absolute minimum. Keep these things close to your body. Pockets are easy access for thefts and girls, leave your purses at home.
10. Meet up spot. For people traveling in groups, it’s difficult to keep track of friends or family. Make sure you organize meeting spots along your chosen route before going out. A lot of groups wear matching costumes. They are fun & helpful.
Here is a little bonus.
Police are everywhere during carnival, with lines of officers constantly weaving through the streets. Although they are ready and willing to help, there is not much they can do if your phone gets stolen. So I like to stop and hang around these guys when I need to send a few text messages.
Carnaval is meant to be a colorful festivity full of happiness, fun, dancing and costumes. So be smart, safe and go have a blast.
We moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump on June 30, 2018. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell for updates on new videos. Thank you so Much! We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!
Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events bigjump.fun Instagram: @bigjumpbr,
Park (71) 3368-1842 What’sApp (71) 98814-9485. American amusement park. Email festas@bigjump.fun with any questions or for more information. Address: Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1296 - Piata Salvador BA CEP: 41650-101
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4K | Dirigindo em Florianópolis - da Ponte a Canasvieiras - Driving 4K Brazil - ep. 70
Dirigindo do Centro à Canasvieiras. Trajeto de aproximadamente 29 km, da entrada na Ilha de Santa Catarina, pela Ponte Pedro Ivo Campos até a Praia de Canasvieiras, no norte da Ilha, num total de 30 minutos com trânsito tranquilo mantendo velocidades em acordo com as leis de trânsito.
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ANOLIPA is a Raw Videowalk Street View Travel Channel.
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Dangerous Food in Brazil - BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU EAT THIS! | Traditional Brazilian Food in Goiás!
Last Day of School in Brazil
The last day of school went out with a bang! The kids took their final tests but also got to play games, watch a movie and dance. Over all, this last school year was a success. The kids worked so hard both in and outside of school. They completed tons of homework, projects and Portuguese study. We are so proud of them. 2018 school year. Video 98
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Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
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We moved our family of seven from Nevada, USA to Salvador to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump on June 30, 2018. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell for updates on new videos. Thank you so Much! We love Brazil and are excited to meet you!
Thank you for joining our journey!
American family owned, Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events bigjump.fun Instagram: @bigjumpbr, (71) 3368-1842 is an incredible American amusement park. Email festas@bigjump.fun with any questions or for more information. Located in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
Islândia :: Ep.06 :: As 7 maravilhas naturais de Myvatn :: 3em3
Mais dicas e informações na página do vídeo:
Neste episódio mostramos as 7 maravilhas naturais da região do Lago de Myvatn:
1) A cachoeira Dettifoss
2) O vulcão Krafla
3) A cratera Hverfjall
4) O parque Dimmuborgir
5) Os campos de Hverir
6) As piscinas naturais de Jardbodin - Myvatn Nature Baths
7) A cachoeira Godafoss
E ainda mostramos um pouco do Hotel Laxá, nossa recomendação de hospedagem na região!
Imagens: Sidney Michaluate
Texto: Sidney Michaluate
Edição: Sidney Michaluate
Facebook: facebook.com/3em3tv
Instagram: @3em3tv
Cities in Focus - Curitiba, Brazil
Visite / visit :
Por meio de imagens lindas e histórias inspiradoras, a EMBARQ decidiu mostrar aos governantes um caminho para tornar suas cidades mais sustentáveis. A série Cities in Focus apresenta as melhores práticas de transporte sustentável em grandes cidades que hoje são referência para o mundo.
Curitiba, Brazil, is the birthplace of bus rapid transit, the high-capacity urban public transportation system developed under the leadership of former city mayor Jaime Lerner. The ensuing transit-oriented development (TOD) underscored the importance of organizing urban areas around transport corridors and led Curitiba to be hallmarked as the most successful example of TOD.
10 pontos turisticos mais visitados de São Paulo
Conheça os 10 pontos turísticos mais visitados de São Paulo.
Discover the 10 most visited sights of Sao Paulo.
Conozca los 10 monumentos más visitados de Sao Paulo.
Découvrez les 10 sites plus visités de Sao Paulo.
Scopri i 10 monumenti più visitati di Sao Paulo.
1 - Parque do Ibirapuera
Assim como Nova York tem o Central Park, São Paulo tem o Parque do Ibirapuera, um “Oásis” de natureza em meio aos prédios e o trânsito. O parques é um reduto de cultura, prática de esportes e lazer. São 1,590 Km² que abrigam 3 lagos artificiais, quadras poliesportivas, gramados, pistas de corrida, museus (Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Museu de Arte Moderna e Museu Afro-Brasil) e belas paisagens. E ainda tem um auditório para apresentações artísticas.
2 - Avenida Paulista
A mais paulista das avenidas é também um importante ponto turístico e cultural do país. Sedes de bancos, prédios comerciais, a Gazeta, o Masp, hotéis luxuosos, parques e tantos outros pontos importantes estão concentrados lá. Em torno de 200 mil pessoas moram na região. Reserve um dia para caminhar na avenida de ponta a ponta.
3 - Catedral da Sé
Além da sua beleza e da simbologia que a carrega, a Catedral da Sé é considerada um dos 5 maiores templos neogóticos do mundo. Ela é tida também como um símbolo contra a ditadura na época do regime e, nas manifestações de julho de 2013, foi o ponto de encontro de uma das maiores passeatas.
4 - Rua 25 de Março
Imagine um lugar onde você encontra qualquer coisa por um preço acessível. A 25 de março é exatamente isso. Desde bugigangas a vídeo games de última geração podem ser encontrados por aqui. É claro que nem tudo é 100% original e confiável, então vale uma conferida. Os finais de semana são praticamente insuportáveis de andar pela rua. Se você puder, escolha um dia da semana para ir com mais calma e tranquilidade.
5 - MASP
O Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand está localizado em outro ponto turístico da cidade, a Av Paulista. O famoso vão livre de 70 metros sustenta o museu mais importante da América Latina, já tendo recebido obras de artistas como Picasso, Monet e Van Gogh. Para entrar no museu é baratinho, R$ 15 a inteira e R$ 7 a meia. Se você puder ir na terça, melhor ainda, já que a entrada é gratuita.
6 - Galeria do Rock
Quem gosta de comprar acessórios ou discos da sua banda de rock preferida, aqui é o seu lugar. Os mais de 450 estabelecimentos comerciais trazem de tudo. Camisetas, fantasias, capinhas de celular, vinil e até tatuagens estão disponibilizados por aqui. Os primeiros andares são mais destinados aos adeptos do hip-hop trazendo tênis e bonés. Os andares de cima são repletos de rock'n'roll e você pode até cruzar com algum ídolo, já que os artistas costumam frequentar a galeria.
7 - Teatro Municipal
Considerado um dos cartões postais da cidade, o teatro foi palco da Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922. Além disso, ele é sede da Orquestra Sinfônica Municipal de São Paulo, Orquestra Experimental de Repertório, Coral Lírico, o Coral Paulistano e o Ballet da cidade de São Paulo.
8 - Torre do Banespa
Localizada no centro de São Paulo, mais especificamente na Rua João Brícola, a torre oferece uma das visões mais incríveis de toda a cidade. Ela foi construída na década de 40 com o intuito de ser semelhante ao Empire State, em Nova York. Além da vista, você pode conferir o acervo do Museu Banespa, que conta com artefatos da história desde a inauguração até hoje.
9 - Estação da Luz
A estação da Luz é um importante ponto do transporte público paulistano por integrar importantes linhas. O entorno da estação é repleto de cultura, como o Museu da Língua Portuguesa e a Pinacoteca do Estado.
10 - Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
Encerramos a lista com um dos museus de arte mais importantes do país: a Pinacoteca do Estado. Ela faz parte do conjunto que envolve a Estação da Luz, o Museu da Língua Portuguesa e o Memorial da Resistência. O museu é o mais antigo da cidade, por isso vale a pena não só conferir os obras que ele abriga como também a sua arquitetura.
Visite nossa loja: turismoecia.net
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The Largest Mineral Mall in South America | Rio de Janeiro #147
The Largest Mineral Mall in South America | Rio de Janeiro #147
Visit our website: riodejaneirobycar.com
LEGEP Mineração started its activities in 1974 in the city of Ametista do Sul, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, south of Brazil.
It was established when two brothers together, after facing a lot of difficulties, achieved their dreams and leveraged the business. As the years went by, the company started to get bigger, acquiring more partners, eventually being controlled by nine brothers. The engagement was so intense that soon more branches were opened in several Brazilian cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Soledade-RS.
Nowadays LEGEP’s headquarter is located in Soledade-RS and the branch in Ametista do Sul no longer exists, but the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro branches are both growing steadily.
The LEGEP group has a structure of about 20,000 square meters, generating hundreds of direct and indirect jobs.
It’s considered a reference in its sector, an area in which it stands out for its long-term experience exporting to several countries worldwide.
LEGEP is constantly improving, with a highly-skilled team dedicated to meeting the demands of the market.
Endereço: Av. das Américas, 16551 - Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22790-703
Interest in Export? Leave a message!
Ouro Preto in Brazil - World Heritage Site by Unesco ( Full HD )
Ouro Preto (from Portuguese, Black Gold) is a city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a former colonial mining town located in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains and designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its outstanding Baroque architecture.
Founded at the end of the 16th century, Ouro Preto (meaning Black Gold) was originally called Vila Rica, or rich village, the focal point of the gold rush and Brazil's golden age in the 18th century under Portuguese rule.
The city contains well-preserved Portuguese colonial architecture, with few signs of modern urban life. Modern construction must adhere to historical standards maintained by the city. 18th- and 19th-century churches decorated with gold and the sculptured works of Aleijadinho make Ouro Preto a prime tourist destination.
The tremendous wealth from gold mining in the 18th century created a city which attracted the intelligentsia of Europe. Philosophy and art flourished, and evidence of a baroque revival called the Barroco Mineiro is illustrated in architecture as well as by sculptors such as Aleijadinho, painters such as Mestre Athayde, composers such as Lobo de Mesquita, and poets such as Tomás António Gonzaga. At that time, Vila Rica was the largest city in Brazil, with 100,000 inhabitants.
In 1789, Ouro Preto became the birthplace of the Inconfidência Mineira, a failed attempt to gain independence from Portugal. The leading figure, Tiradentes, was hanged as a threat to any future revolutionaries.
In 1876, the Escola de Minas (Mines School) was created. This school established the technological foundation for several of the mineral discoveries in Brazil.
Ouro Preto was capital of Minas Gerais from 1720 until 1897, when the needs of government outgrew this town in the valley. The state government was moved to the new, planned city of Belo Horizonte.
Ouro Preto is also a university town with an intense student life. The Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Federal University of Ouro Preto or UFOP) has approximately 13,000 students. Many of them live in communal houses that are somewhat similar to fraternity houses as found in North American colleges. These communal or shared houses are called repúblicas, of which 66 belong to the university, called repúblicas federais, and 250 are privately owned (repúblicas particulares).
The repúblicas system of Ouro Preto in unique in Brazil. No other university city in the country has exactly the same characteristics of the student lodging found there. In many ways, the lodging is similar to that found in Portuguese universities such as the Coimbra and the tradition may have come from there. Before universities were founded in Brazil, Coimbra was where most of the rich students who could afford an overseas education went to. Each república has its own different history. There are repúblicas in which the freshmen, also known as bixos (misspelling of bichos, Portuguese for animals), have to undergo a hazing period, called batalha (battle), before being accepted permanently as residents of the houses. The final choice of the freshmen, called escolha, has to be unanimous among the senior students of the house.
The Museu Mineralógico Da Escola De Minas (Mineralogy Museum) can be of special interest to visitors. It belongs to the Mining School of the prestigious UFOP. The School opened its doors on 12 October 1823. The Museum is located at the Praça Tiradentes (No. 20), in the town's historical center, and contains a rich assortment of minerals on display, including precious and semi-precious gemstones and large crystals. Security is tight, however (for example, no cameras are allowed), due to the incalculable value of the gemstones and ores on display.
Important Data
Population: Data from the 2010 Census (IBGE)
Resident population: 70,227 (2010 Census)
Urban area: 56,293
Rural area: 9,985
Area of the municipality: 1,245 km²
Temperature: between 6 and 28 degrees Celsius. In June and July the temperature can reach -2 degrees Celsius.
Average elevation: 1,116 m. The highest point is Pico de Itacolomi with 1,722 meters.
The city has twelve districts: Amarantina, Antônio Pereira, Cachoeira do Campo, Engenheiro Correia, Glaura, Lavras Novas, Miguel Burnier, Santa Rita, Santo Antônio do Leite, Santo Antônio do Salto, São Bartolomeu and Rodrigo Silva.
Rivers: sources for the Velhas, Piracicaba, Gualaxo do Norte, Gualaxo do Sul, Mainart e Ribeirão Funil.
Per Capita Income: R$ 63,622 ( US$33,544 )
HDI: 0.833 (Medium)