Drone over Sao Conrado Beach | Rio de Janeiro #120
Drone over Sao Conrado Beach | Rio de Janeiro #120
São Conrado is a neighborhood in the South Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is nestled in between the neighborhoods of Barra da Tijuca to the southwest and Leblon to the northeast. The neighborhood takes its name from a small church, Igreja de São Conrado (Church of São Conrado), which was constructed early in the 20th century by Conrado Jacob Niemeyer (1831-1905). São Conrado, which ranks as one of the areas with the highest Human Development Index in Brazil, presents a stark contrast to Rocinha on its border, which is one of the largest and poorest favelas in Brazil.
São Conrado is famous for its hang gliding (popular with locals and tourists alike), Fashion Mall which houses over 150 stores carrying national and international designers, and golf course. The neighborhood, or bairro, is made up of sophisticated residential buildings, night clubs, and elegant restaurants. The famous Morro Dois Irmãos, or Two Brothers Mountain, featured in movies, television shows, and postcards from the city, separates the neighborhood from the rest of the South Zone. It is also noted for the mansions on the foot of the Pedra da Gávea, the largest seaside granite rock on Earth, which separates São Conrado from the West Zone. The House at Canoas (Casa das Canoas), the private home of Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012), is located on Estrada das Canoas and is considered a masterpiece of Mid-century modern residential architecture.[1]
São Conrado has been the most expensive and sought-after address in Rio, with celebrities such as XuXa and even the mayor calling the area home. Real estate in the neighborhood is some of the priciest in South America.
Estado de SP: imagens de 93 cidades paulistas
Coletânea de fotos de mais de 90 cidades paulistas, nas quais residem paulistas natos e brasileiros descendentes das migrações e imigrações ocorridas no século passado.
Todo brasileiro tem pelo menos um parente ou conhecido que reside no Estado de SP.
Não tem como colocar fotos de todas as cidades, e seguem então imagens dessas 93 cidades:
São Paulo, Marília, Diadema, Registro, Barra Bonita, Suzano, Presidente Prudente, Holambra, Tatuí, Ribeirão Preto, São José do Rio Preto, Ubatuba, Araras, Itapetininga, Jaboticabal, São João da Boa Vista, Guarulhos, Ourinhos, Votuporanga, Sorocaba, Iguape, Mogi das Cruzes, Santos, Amparo, Brotas, Dracena, São Carlos, Lençois Paulista, Jacareí, Cananéia, Batatais, Araçatuba, Ilha Comprida, São Bernardo do Campo, Caraguatatuba, Jaguariúna, Águas de Lindóia, Bauru, Cerquilho, Araraquara, Osvaldo Cruz, Bragança Paulista, Mogi-Mirim, Serra Negra, Franca, Iporanga, Assis, Itú, São Caetano do Sul, Jaú, Lins, Pirassununga, São Vicente, Barretos, Tupã, Santana de Parnaíba, Piracicaba, Catanduva, São Sebastião, Andradina, Cruzeiro, Itapevi, Aparecida, Barueri, Atibaia, Fernandópolis, Bertioga, Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Birigui, Limeira, Adamantina, São José dos Campos, Carapicuíba, Jundiaí, Regente Feijó, Guaratinguetá, Iracemápolis, Botucatu, Lindóia, Embú das Artes, Salto, Guarujá, Indaiatuba, São Roque, Americana, Pederneiras, Sertãozinho, Rio Claro, Osasco, Campos do Jordão, Santo André, Taubaté e Campinas.
GEOGRAPHY: photos of more than 90 cities of the state of Saint Paul (state more populous of Brazil), where they live Brazilian of the internal migrations and occured immigrations in the last century. Almost all Brazilian people has at least a relative or friend who inhabits in the State of Saint Paul.
São Paulo is a state in Brazil. It is the major industrial and economic powerhouse of the Brazilian economy. It is named after Saint Paul. São Paulo has the largest population, industrial park and economic production of the country. It is the most populous subnational entity in the Western Hemisphere. The capital, São Paulo, is also the largest city in South America. Gastronomy and culture are main strengths of this city, nicknamed the land of the drizzle.
GEOGRAFÍA: fotos de más de 90 ciudades del estado de San Pablo (estado más populoso del Brasil), donde viven brasileño de las migraciones internas y de las inmigraciones ocurridas en el siglo pasado. Casi toda la gente brasileña tiene por lo menos un pariente o un amigo que habiten en el estado de San Pablo.
GÉOGRAPHIE : photos de plus de 90 villes de l'état de San Paulo (été plus populeux de Brésil), ils où vivent brésiliens des migrations internes et des immigrations produites dans le siècle dernier. Presque tout peuple brésilien a pour le moins un parent ou un ami qui habite dans l'État de San Paulo.
GEOGRAPHIE: Fotos von mehr als 90 Städte des Zustandes von San Pablo (Zustand einwohnerstarker von Brasilien), wo sie Brasilianer der Binnenwanderungen und der aufgetretenen Immigrationen im letzten Jahrhundert leben. Fast alle brasilianischen Leute haben mindestens einen Verwandten oder einen Freund, die im Zustand von San Pablo bewohnt.
GEOGRAFIA: foto di più di 90 città della condizione di San Pablo (condizione più popolata del Brasile), dove vivono brasiliano delle espansioni interne e delle immigrazioni accadute in secolo scorso. Quasi tutta la gente brasiliana ha almeno un parente o un amico che abitano in nella condizione di San Pablo.
ЗЕМЛЕВЕДЕНИЕ: фото больше чем 90 городов положения Сан Pablo (положения более многолюдного Бразилия), где они живут бразильянин внутренних переселений и проведенных иммиграций в прошлом столетии. Почти все бразильские люди имеют хотя бы родственник или друга который обитают в в положении Сан Pablo.
AARDRIJKSKUNDE: foto's van meer dan 90 steden van de staat van San Pablo (staat meer dichtbevolkt van Brazilië), waar zij Braziliaan van de interne migraties en de voorgekomen immigraties in de laatste eeuw leven. Bijna hebben alle Braziliaanse mensen minstens een verwant of een vriend die in de Staat van San Pablo wonen in.